Today's #HomeEconomics success: £630 quid saved over the next 18 months by renewing contract with VirginMedia. £35 a month less, no change of service, 18 month contract.
Ring, be polite, explain what you'd like, ask them to do better.
In my case they'd no match a new customer deal with included 6months at a reduced rate, but they would match the final rate on that deal.
Home Economics - Renewed for a 4th Season by ABC?
#HomeEconomics #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#homeeconomics #tv #television #renewed #renewals
Home Economics - Renewed for a 4th Season by ABC?
#HomeEconomics #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#homeeconomics #tv #television #renewed #renewals
Home Economics: Gutes Vorzeichen für Verlängerung um Staffel 4 #HomeEconomics
Home Economics - ABC Extends Cast Options
#HomeEconomics #TV #Television
#homeeconomics #tv #television
While #ABC has set a reality/game show heavy Fall schedule, a result of the ongoing writers strike, two series still remain on the bubble between renewal and cancellation: #HomeEconomics and #TheRookieFeds. Potential good news for 'Home Economics' as the network has extended the cast options which were to lapse on June 30. While not a renewal, it is a positive sign that a renewal could come, but that may ultimately be determined if the Screen Actors Guild decides to go on strike in July.
#abc #homeeconomics #therookiefeds
Heute neu: Staffel 3 von Home Economics bei Sky Comedy #HomeEconomics #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #homeeconomics
We have #HomeEconomics guest stars
@dannypudi and Karan Soni showing support with other legends in @sagaftra
and the South Asian writers committee organized by @Natasha_Chandel!
Home Economics: 3. Staffel ab Juni bei Sky Comedy #HomeEconomics
Turns out this whole time we were making a drama. #HomeEconomics #Succession
started a#Wikipedia article on US #dietitian head of #UWashington #HomeEconomics from 1912 to 1945, Effie I. Raitt (1878-1945): #seattle
#dietitian #uwashington #homeeconomics #Seattle
Here's an entire article from the Guardian on how men piss at home and whether or not it's "natural" for them to stand or sit. It goes through health reasons -- apparently stand-pissing causes piss-mist to settle in toothbrushes and sitting is better for men's backs.. It goes through evolutionary reasons -- apparently scent-marking is unrelated to stand-pissing.
The whole thing is pros and cons of stand-pissing from the POV of various "experts" and also men talking about their personal prefs. They have physiologists arguing over which position is healthier for men, they have physicists measuring coefficients of splashiness, they have lawyers discussing men's legal right to stand-piss, and so on. They have been saying "I like it!!!" It's a triumph of journalistic both-sides neutrality.
And yet never once do they mention the most important issue, which is who cleans the fucking bathroom? Men who are physically able to clean their own toilets but don't and still insist on stand-pissing are making a complex and antisocial choice that's not even mentioned here, not discussed at all, not even to be superficially dismissed. They slso don't ask any women for their opinions about how men piss at home.
I sit-piss now mainly because I clean my own bathroom, but I would even if I didn't. Somebody has to clean it and why would anyone create unnecessary work for someone when it can be avoided with zero effort? my wife usually cleans the living room and I don't gratuitously mess that up just because I don't clean it. How psycho would that be? None of the pissers interviewed share the reasons for their choice of pissing-mode, but the work involved in cleaning must be a factor in many cases.
One effect of framing this as a question of competing expert opinions rather than of communal household organization organization is to erase labor from the discussion completely. This supports capital's empire by reinforcing the idea that labor is a fungible commodity rather than a gift of love, a communal contribution, anything but a tool of capital accumulation. Another effect is to reinforce the idea that experts know more about household labor than the people who run the fucking houses. Blech!
#Capitalism #StandPissing #SitPissing #SitzPinkler #Toilets #Urination #Men #Women #DomesticLabor #HouseholdLabor #CommunalLabor #SecondShift #TheGuardian #HomeEconomics
#capitalism #standpissing #sitpissing #sitzpinkler #toilets #urination #men #women #domesticlabor #householdlabor #communallabor #secondshift #theguardian #homeeconomics
In the early 1990s, "Home Economics" was the way students learned how to bake apple muffins and set a table for dinner (old testament style). I think of this every time I do our taxes. #HomeEconomics #Baking #Highschool
#homeeconomics #baking #highschool
What #TV shows are you currently watching?
Current: #QuantumLeap (New version),
#PokerFace, #thelastofus, #abbottelementary, #HomeEconomics, #HowIMetYourFather
Old: #BattlestarGalactica (2003), #Fraiser
#tv #quantumleap #pokerface #thelastofus #abbottelementary #homeeconomics #howimetyourfather #battlestargalactica #fraiser
And the #HomeEconomics crew amazed us week after week under constantly-changing and COVID-y conditions. From the outpost of Batuu to a Halloween-themed bookstore to a powerless Bay area, they brought everything to life. B R A V O to all of them.
Thank you for the kind #HomeEconomics replies, retweets, stars, hearts, and boost toots (is that a thing?). S3 turned out so well thanks to the talented writers and directors I had the pleasure to post about during each episode. They are the best.
Production card for #HomeEconomics ep. 313 by @rotodesign. Thank you, Pat! Hopefully, you can make more soon…
Some #bts magic – James Cameron has nothing on #HomeEconomics.
#BTS of #HomeEconomics ep. 313 gate crash. Hear @TVJumbo and @mikecolton laugh with both enjoyment and relief that it worked.
Fun-ish fact: While we were shooting #HomeEconomics ep. 313 someone was hosting a rager across the street in an airplane hangar. Looks sick, right?