For the love of all that is factual and scientific, this family does NOT represent the vast majority of #homeschool #HomeEducated #unschooling families.
#homeschool #homeeducated #unschooling
I am going to say Hi again in hopes people find me. I really would like to rebuild my online #unschooling community. I have 4 #unschool #homeeducated kids of my own and facilitate #SelfDirectedEducation for another 26 who attend the #AgileLearningCenter I co-founded with friends. Children are people.
I love hearing from other people navigating this culturally weird and awesome way of being in relationship with children and one another.
#agilelearningcenter #selfdirectededucation #homeeducated #unschool #unschooling
I am going to say Hi again in hopes people find me. I really would like to rebuild my online #unschooling community. I have 4 #unschool #homeeducated kids of my own and facilitate #SelfDirectedEducation for another 26 who attend the #AgileLearningCenter I co-founded with friends. Children are people.
I love hearing from other people navigating this culturally weird and awesome way of being in relationship with children and one another.
#agilelearningcenter #selfdirectededucation #homeeducated #unschool #unschooling
Looking for fellow #earlyyears educator, people interested in #play and #PlayBased #authentic learning. Looking for those in #NurseryEducation and people working with #under5s and #families. Also #homeeducation and #neuro #neurodiversity as I’m a mum of two #homed kids who are both #neurodiverse! Full time head with children #homeeducated passionate about education that is #purposeful, #authentic and meaningful! Let’s connect!
#earlyyears #play #playbased #authentic #nurseryeducation #under5s #families #homeeducation #neuro #neurodiversity #homed #neurodiverse #homeeducated #purposeful