We had a busy few days of gardening, cleaning and preparing our place for #HomeExchange guests as we also packed up for a short #motorhome trip away to the French #Pyrenees. We are now well on our way, having stopped off, after a long drive, on our first night in Tarbes. We had an explore of the historic centre and then a chilled night. We're now rested & ready to enjoy some big mountains tomorrow. #France #Roadtrip
#roadtrip #France #pyrenees #motorhome #homeexchange
L'idea di #viaggiare in modo sostenibile e alternativo arriva a essere #circolare superando i vecchi standard dell'impattante turismo di massa. #HomeExchange si presenta come una #community di scambio-case, valorizzando un #turismo locale e sostenibile #sostenibilità #Turismosostenibile #ambiente #greenplanner
#viaggiare #Circolare #homeexchange #community #turismo #sostenibilita #turismosostenibile #ambiente #greenplanner
Hey la communauté vélo #veloTaff , parmi vous est-ce que certains pratiquent l’échange de maisons ? #homeExchange avec échanges de vélos par la même occasion ?
Pas toujours facile de trouver des intérêts mutuels sur les plateformes.
Repouets appréciés !
Hem estat a Paris uns dies de vacances en un apartament de #HomeExchange que té un piano. Mai en la vida havia tocat un piano abans. Doncs m'atreu la idea d'aprendre a tocar cançons. Aquests dies he après a tocar la BSO de Titanic (òbviament mirant el mòvil i molt lentament i amb una mà, sense acompanyament). Ja m'estic mirant pianos elèctrics barats 😂
À nouveau actifs sur #HomeExchange ! Plus qu'à prendre de jolies photos... quand la maison sera bien rangée 😂
Qui veut venir en janvier / favrier ? https://www.homeexchange.fr/homes/view/2205849
I am a retired atty interested in politics & #homeexchange travel. I do not have a podcast but listen to many on politics and history.
My blog on home exchange is here if you are interested: