📢​ We are extremely happy to announce the release of Slips v1.0.0! Slips is our Stratosphere machine learning-based behavioural intrusion detection and prevention system!

We will be celebrating this milestone by presenting Slips in Black Hat Europe Arsenal!

Slips is the first machine learning-based free software IDS, born at Stratosphere in the Czech Technical University in Prague 7 years ago!

We have been working hard to get to the 1.0.0 version, bringing more stability and detection capabilities to our tool. We hope you enjoy this version and we are happy to hear about any feedback through our GitHub repository (github.com/stratosphereips/Str).


#freesoftware #cybersecurity #machinelearning #infosec #behavioralanalysis #trafficanalysis #malwaredetection #homeids #ids #ips #cybersec #toolshare #slips #stratosphere #networkpacketanalysis #PacketAnalysis

Last updated 2 years ago