Shelters in Allegheny County appear to be at or near capacity, and that's likely to continue following the Friday closure of the overflow space at Second Avenue Commons. @publicsource has the story #housing #homelessness #Pittsburgh
#housing #homelessness #Pittsburgh
‘Banning no-fault evictions won’t stop landlords making us homeless’
The government has touted the Renters Reform Bill as a fix for tenants facing unfair eviction. But there’s a problem.
#Housing #Landlords #RentersReformBill #England #UKGovernment #Homelessness
#housing #landlords #rentersreformbill #england #ukgovernment #homelessness
The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright #InvisibleDisabilityRights
The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #livingwage #RaiseTheWage #SocialDemocracy #safetynets #homelessness #hoarders #hoarding
#capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #LivingWage #raisethewage #socialdemocracy #safetynets #homelessness #hoarders #hoarding
#book2read: Bigger Table, Expanded Edition with Study Guide: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community by John Pavlovitz
via #CaldwellPres #ACEclass #SundaySchool #AffordableHousing #homelessness
#book2read #CaldwellPres #aceclass #sundayschool #affordablehousing #homelessness
G20 face-lift: Delhi removes poor people, but not poverty
As tulips were flown in and posters of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi went up, thousands of poor people in India’s capital have been displaced amid a strategic beautification drive. Experts say the $112 million face-lift has come at a hefty cost to the city’s most vulnerable people.
#delhi #g20 #demolitions #bulldozers #homelessness #displacement #BJP #diplomacy #propaganda #poverty #india
#delhi #g20 #demolitions #Bulldozers #homelessness #displacement #BJP #diplomacy #propaganda #poverty #india
(1/2) More outstanding insights by author, Kevin Nye, into poverty and the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships with those experiencing homelessness.
“Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness” by Kevin Nye:
#homelessness #CLT #HealOurCulture #CharlotteVoices #CaldwellPres
#homelessness #clt #healourculture #charlottevoices #CaldwellPres
🔫SuperWamBlam! | @DanVanDam Billy Bumbum, Byte Lynx, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Day 3 !Fundraiser !incentive #fundraiser #donations #homelessness
#fundraiser #donations #homelessness
I wrote a new blog post today, “Reflections on PD Hackathon 2023”
Check it out!
#PDSchargers #NCed #coding #stem #homelessness #AffordableHousing #CLT #CLTvoices
#PDSchargers #nced #coding #stem #homelessness #affordablehousing #clt #CLTvoices
Three lost boys in #Denver, #Colorado, spotted yesterday on the short walk to my gym. Sure hope our new mayor can do what he said is his top priority. Finding them homes and providing them with services. #homelessness
#denver #colorado #homelessness
DEM Run (down) City?
#Crime #Corruption #homelessness #fentanyl
#LosAngeles #SanFrancisco #Portland #Seattle
#Minneapolis #Chicago #Atlanta #NewYork #philadelphia
#crime #corruption #homelessness #fentanyl #losangeles #sanfrancisco #Portland #Seattle #Minneapolis #Chicago #atlanta #NewYork #philadelphia
Accessing a shelter bed in San Francisco can be difficult. Check out our resource guide that shows pathways to shelter based on age, gender, family status and more.
“The cities that have the most success around homelessness have really good system flow and do the heavy investment in prevention so you’re stopping the inflow into homelessness."
- Jennifer Friedenbach of The Coalition on Homelessness
#SanFrancisco #Homelessness #Shelter
#sanfrancisco #homelessness #shelter
specializing in non-gaming VR reviews
We Live Here
3⭐ Meta Quest
#vr #virtualreality #homeless #homelessness #shortfilm
specializing in non-gaming VR reviews
We Live Here
See the world through the stories of Rockey, a woman living in the United States who became trapped in homelessness. This fifteen minute experience takes place mostly in Rockey's home - a tent full of her belongings - and is told in her own voice as you're invited to peruse some of her personal possessions.
#vr #virtualreality #homeless #homelessness #shortfilm
We created the #homelessness crisis by allowing things to continue that had major negative externalities. In reversing this vicious cycle, we should consider many strategies. One that is counterintuitive but promising is simply giving cash to the homeless. Here’s what studies of this idea have shown.
Vice: Researchers Gave Unhoused People $7,500. What Happened Next Is Incredible. #HOUSINGCRISIS #Homelessness #basicincome #Technews #unhoused
#housingcrisis #homelessness #basicincome #technews #unhoused
Refugees are being driven to homelessness by shorter eviction notice periods, charities warn | Morning Star
#refugees #evictions #homelessness #homeless #destitution
Fascinating and, perhaps, not what you might expect. #Homelessness
A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here’s how they spent it.
At Home With Gizmo : intimate portrait of a homeless man in North London, 2004, by Steve Higgins aka Steve Thandoy aka Pragito (Thandoy, Karmakanix, House of Thandoy, Invisible Music) - youtube video 22m05s #homelessness