Cistern filled! Driveway graveled! No more worrying about someone falling through a cracking concrete pad.
Surprised today by the cistern repair dude! I texted him to touch base, asking if we were looking into September now, and he came back with "I was thinking today. Does that work?"
Sure, that works!
8 ft by 8 ft by 8 ft hole filled with pieces of the old concrete pad and road rock. Leftover rock being spread on our driveway. Huzzah!
I've learned that you can never call too many contractors for estimates. #HomeMaintenance
* The ones who don't call back.
* The ones who make an appt. and don't show.
*The ones who show but never send an estimate.
*The ones who provide ridiculously bloated estimates for single women.
Bought a new ladder to remove a fan canopy module that was never really necessary to replace the switch with a visually identical one that supports LED bulb dimming, only to discover the fan's light sockets use chandelier bulbs which I don't have any of.
Hot tip: occasionally replace the blades in your saws and bits in your drills. If you are still riding with the original blade that came with your #ryobi saw that you bought 8 years ago, it’s time to replace that blade.
#powertools #woodworking #diy #homemaintenance
#ryobi #powertools #woodworking #diy #homemaintenance
In a fit of responsibility, I just ordered four air filters for the fridge.
Two years' worth.
Seems that for every 1 thing I fix, 0.9 things break.
@enuffwork4today #Refrigerator #HomeMaintenance
Exploded? Never heard of a frig exploding before.
Only thing thougt it could have beenw was the compressor. Turns out I was right because it's apparently already a known problem. Crazy!!
#refrigerator #homemaintenance
Time for another repair...
The bearing on the drain pump went out on the washing machine. The dark streak is where water leaked out. Because it couldn't spin, water seeped out of the casing while the washer tried to empty.
The good thing is that this machine is very repairable, unlike new ones.
#diy #homerepair #homemaintenance
Partner: it’s time to replace the smoke detectors.
Me: Why? I just replaced them a few years ago.
P: They’re only designed to work for ten years.
M: But I *just* replaced them!
Me, later, from ladder: ok, so that other one may have expired in 2013, but this one’s still good until [squints] … uh … 1999?
#inexorablemarchoftime #homemaintenance #prepper #safety
I did not think I would ever be so happy to see a plank of wood as I am to see this finally delivered.
Second pic is where it’s new home will be.
#homemaintenance #homerenovation
I did not think I would ever be so happy to see a plank of wood as I am to see this finally delivered.
Second pic is where it’s new home will be.
#homemaintenance #homerenovation
The most boring thing about home ownership is maintenance. However, today I have washed the outside of the house (apart from the roof, which is too high to reach) and cleaned all the windows and window frames inside and out. Feeling pretty pleased with myself.
Now I need a cup of tea and a lie down.
How long does it take to defrost a chest freezer that’s the size of a washing machine? The blasted thing is almost full so it’s the perfect time for the thermostat to throw a tantrum! It now only freezes when it’s dialled up to 11
I’m hoping if I defrost it then it’ll be happy again but that means either wasting all the food, waiting a few weeks while I eat it or wrapping it all up & praying that i can do the defrost, cleanup & refreeze before the food spoils
Watch home and lifestyle influencer Lucy review the "ask an expert" feature in the Planna app:
#homemaintenance #homerepairs #diy
Find our why maintaining trees on your property is important:
Check out our latest post:
How to spot the signs that your home may be experiencing subsidence
#HomeMaintenance #Storms #SFBA
I was lucky get someone to come over to clean a blocked gutter @ my house today.
It's been blocked for a couple of yrs but didn't have a ladder high enough to get to get to it & bc of the dought it hasn't been a serious problem.
So, I let it go but the last storm created a waterfall & huge pond under it & I didn't want that to happen again during the coming storm.
At least, now, I can have a little more peace of mind when the next deluge hits the area. 😌
#homemaintenance #storms #sfba
Finally completed an afternoon project I meant to do 2 years ago.
We love our South Shore furniture (Ikea-like, but more precisely engineered, family owned, and Quebecois), but our king size bed frame seems like it didn't scale up well from a design for smaller frames.
I added another beam at the top and bottom, reoriented the boards that lay on top of them, and now we can finally get rid of the box springs without the supporting boards bending & squeaking!
#furnitureupgrades #homemaintenance
Some great tips to stop that floorboard squeaking for once and for all: