I have this neat new bird feeder that suction cups to my office window and is see through so I can see the birds. I also put up one way film to help the birds be more comfortable with it.
It has been so much fun. There is a male and female Cardinal pair that visit regularly. I know when they are arriving because I can always hear them chirping for a minute or so beforehand. There are also chickadees and mourning doves so far.
#cardinals #birdwatching #homeofficedecor
Bricolage du week-end !
Un vieux disque dur HS, un cadre IKEA, un peu de colle et d’huile de coude et tada 🎉
#ikeahack #geek #harddrive #diy #homeoffice #decor #seagate #drive #computer #homeofficedecor #homeofficeideas #teletravail
#teletravail #homeofficeideas #homeofficedecor #computer #drive #seagate #decor #Homeoffice #diy #harddrive #geek #ikeahack