my partner: we have to fix the grading of the yard to prevent potential water damage
me: how expensive will that be?
him: p. expensive
me: so, what I hear u saying is that i will have to live with this terrible 90s bathroom forever?
"Two people have died in this home from #overdoses since this all started, and #code #enforcement has even cited the #homeowner for not properly maintaining the #house he legally can’t access."
And when the owner called the police, they arrested HIM!!
How the heck does this happen?!? 😡
#Atlanta: This man says #squatters took over his #home – he got #arrested when he called the #police on them
#iamdb #Police #arrested #home #Squatters #Atlanta #house #homeowner #enforcement #Code #overdoses
#homeowner & #electricity enthusiasts of all types of Mastodon - two room's worth of lights won't turn on, but no breaker tripped, replacing the bulbs doesn't to anything, and the lights aren't flickering. Just no power.
Slight problem is: the panel is poorly labeled and I can't ascertain which breaker these lights are associated with. Resetting a bunch didn't help.
Intuition implies this isn't an immediate fire risk, but is it still worth the fee of having an electrician out on the weekend?
I get stupid excited over house related problems and projects, especially when they require equipment I don't currently own.
#homeowner #homeownership #homeownerproblems
"It's Ruining Our Lives": People Are Sharing The Hard Realities And Regrets Of Actually Being A #Homeowner - BuzzFeed
There's a certain kind of excitement that I feel only when I contemplate having to run to the store for a supply and then, on a hunch, go check the basement, only to find that Past Me stocked up
Can you really call yourself a #homeowner if you don’t have a pair of pajamas you’ve gotten paint splatter all over because you thought “There’s no way I’ll drop paint doing this small touch up”?
started making a list on my phone of things to fix/upgrade/replace/repaint around the house and let’s just say I’m gonna need a bigger phone. #bastardizedJawsQuote #DIY #homeOwner #neverendingStory
#neverendingstory #homeowner #diy #bastardizedjawsquote
It’s spring, so that’s another weekend of fixing stuff in the yard. Front steps need some love (and a coating), and then a new small-ish brick patio goes in here for trash cans, recycling bins, and perhaps a small herb garden. #homeowner
我只好手动去开烤箱测温度,没想到过了一会真的修好了 :ablobdundundun: 。老大哥开始慢慢跟我们讲原理,说烤箱有两个breaker每个都是120v20A,因为是opposite phases所以是240v,一根接显示屏有电,另一根加热的坏了,因为总电箱控制subpanel的circuit breaker坏了。subpanel一共100A,如果开烤箱最好少用其他电器免得过载都烧了,以后充电车也最高20A。又讲了如果升级电箱可以把panel放进车库呀就不用砸砖墙了,说city的人不靠谱都不跟你们好好解释。
#Homeowner, #insurancecompany, or #smallbusiness, everyone should care about costs. Our simple pricing saves up to 44% in costs over competitors while paying teams more. Read David's points... Caring about costs is cool
#homeowner #insurancecompany #smallbusiness
The Cheapest Alternatives to Expensive #HomeImprovements
You can squeeze a few more years out of these areas of your home with a few basic upgrades.
#homeImprovement #homeDecor #homeowner
#homeimprovements #homeimprovement #homedecor #homeowner
#RacialBias often creeps into #HomeAppraisals.
Years of #homeowner horror stories & a growing body of research has cast a harsh light on how frequently racial bias can skew home appraisals. It's an industry that's dominated by white men whose methods for valuing homes haven't changed much in decades.
#SystemicRacism #TheSumOfUs #HeatherMcGchee #homeownership #wealth #WhiteSupremacy #AppraisalBias
#racialbias #homeappraisals #homeowner #systemicracism #thesumofus #heathermcgchee #homeownership #wealth #whitesupremacy #appraisalbias
We’ll it was bound to happen eventually with the kids playing ball hockey constantly out in front. #HomeOwner
Antenna Hidden in Holiday Lights Skirts HOA Rules #homeowner'sassociation #highfrequency #christmas #disguise #antenna #holiday #lights #radio #News #ham #HOA #HF
#homeowner #highfrequency #christmas #disguise #antenna #holiday #lights #radio #News #ham #hoa #hf