David J A Cooper · @djac
100 followers · 359 posts · Server aus.social

Just watching on organisations in the US and .


Without really looking into it independently (but trusting Oliver quite a bit), HOAs sound terrifying.

In , apartment buildings (like where I live) have "body corporates" ("strata") that manage the common interests of owners, and often they delegate maintenance jobs to external organisations... BUT they can't just unilaterally impose fines or AUCTION OFF YOUR ENTIRE PROPERTY. And they don't exist at all (that I've heard of) for individual, detached houses.

Somehow Neal Stephenson's now makes a lot more sense to me.

#JohnOlivier #homeownersassociation #holyshit #australia #snowcrash

Last updated 1 year ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
2942 followers · 251061 posts · Server schleuss.online

Antenna Hidden in Holiday Lights Skirts HOA Rules - For all their supposed benefits, homeowner’s associations (HOAs) have a reputation... - hackaday.com/2023/02/27/antenn

#hf #hoa #ham #news #radio #lights #holiday #antenna #disguise #christmas #highfrequency #homeownersassociation

Last updated 2 years ago