I mounted a Tv behind the basement bar yesterday. I don’t think I ever prepped so much in my life and still almost misplaced it. Also, We have steel studs so had to use toggle bolts. I think I did everything but I still worry I screwed something up and it will fall one night. #HomeownerStress
This is our current #BritishColumbia #PropertyAssessment #value & it's insane. It's mostly the land that has most value. Our property taxes will be freaking insane this year. This is almost 5X the amount that we paid to buy it in 1990s.
#Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #PropertyTaxes #WTAF #GovernmentGouging #ThisIsBullshit ##PropertyValues #HomeownerStress #VancouverIsland #vanisle
#britishcolumbia #propertyassessment #value #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #propertytaxes #wtaf #governmentgouging #thisisbullshit #propertyvalues #homeownerstress #vancouverisland #vanisle