#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.1 strikes 67 km W of #Homer (#Alaska) 1 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1550295
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
Lisa & the teletransporter
I always think on this when I see this scene for the simpsons. So i finally made the fanart to show it, enjoy it!
Complete uncesored on Fanbox: https://lewlemartist.fanbox.cc/posts/6633893
Timelpse video: https://lewlemartist.fanbox.cc/posts/6633882
#loli #lolicon #fanart #r34 #simpsons #lisa #cute #flatchest #homer #funny
#loli #lolicon #fanart #r34 #simpsons #lisa #cute #flatchest #homer #funny
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.4 strikes 63 km W of #Homer (#Alaska) 39 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1549177
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.2 strikes 64 km SW of #Homer (#Alaska) 59 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1549021
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.9 strikes 62 km W of #Homer (#Alaska) 10 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1545910
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
"Natural Born Kissers"
a full back view of Marge and Homer from the actual episode of the show
color by @ArcRoyale
Commissioned on :pixiv:
Unlocked from :fanbox:
Support me on FANBOX! https://lakikoopax.fanbox.cc/
Commission chart: https://baraag.net/@lakikoopax/109617140572314551
#the_simpsons #marge_simpson #homer_simpson #marge #homer #simpson #naked #bared #exposed #butt #barefoot #cartoon #commission
#the_simpsons #marge_simpson #homer_simpson #marge #homer #simpson #naked #bared #exposed #butt #barefoot #cartoon #commission
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.3 strikes 130 km SE of #Homer (#Alaska) 17 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1539317
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
Tim Whitmarsh's review of Robin Lane Fox's latest book on Homer is entertaining while also treading fairly lightly.
#classics #homer #epic #greek
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.8 strikes 95 km W of #Homer (#Alaska) 2 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1537744
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
@akmollyj ah. Ok. Im down in central Kenai Peninsula.
Stolen from the X app.
Down in #Homer tonight🧡a lovely/hot by Ak standards week is coming. #MyAlaskaWx
My new #BedtimeBook is the #Oddysey by #Homer which I last read when I was seventeen. This translation is by E. V. Rieu.
Yas! Homer and Hadley Hawthorne from The O.C. would be so dope together! #TheOC #OC #Homer #ChrissAnglin #HadleyHawthorne #LucyHale
#theOC #oc #homer #chrissanglin #hadleyhawthorne #lucyhale
DOH! Yes... hotter weather is coming to northern California. I'll have your 7-day weather forecast at 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11pm!
MMM... multiple weather forecasts... MMM
#California #Chico #Redding #NorCal #sun #heat #heatwave #heatdanger #HeatAdvisory #staycool #Homer #HomerSimpson #Simpsons #doh #soundon #soundup #Wednesday #weather #wx #cawx #caweather
#california #chico #redding #norcal #sun #heat #heatwave #heatdanger #HeatAdvisory #staycool #homer #homersimpson #simpsons #DoH #SOUNDON #soundup #wednesday #weather #wx #cawx #caweather
#iliad #homer #mythology #olimpianpantheon #goddesses #greekmyth #greekmythology #paris #athena #hera #meme #memes #mythologymemes #timemachine #judgementofparis
Okay, #Homer (den zu lesen mir schon als Kind nix gegeben hat) verfasst aus "Unbehagen" gegen den "Krieger-Handel" der Adeligen seiner Zeit verklärend-heroisierende Fluchtliteratur über vergangene Zeiten, während sein Zeitgenosse #Hesiod "anti-aristokratische Kritik der Umwälzungen" betreibt, "die aus den neuen Marktbeziehungen und -praktiken erfolgten. Der Text schäumt geradezu vor Wut", meint #DavidMcNally.
Dann werde ich #WerkeUndTage wohl mal lesen.
(#BlutUndGeld, ab Seite 47)
#homer #hesiod #davidmcnally #werkeundtage #blutundgeld
Here’s where the icon for the “Threads” app comes from (not really).
#Threads #ThreadsApp #Homer #HomerSimpson #Simpsons #TheSimpsons #icon #icons
#threads #threadsapp #homer #homersimpson #simpsons #thesimpsons #icon #icons
#Earthquake (#sismo) M2.6 strikes 78 km W of #Homer (#Alaska) 12 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1525753
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.4 strikes 88 km NW of #Homer (#Alaska) 2 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1523883
#earthquake #sismo #homer #alaska
John Spurling has crafted a lyrical retelling of some well-known Greek myths, weaving these seemingly disparate stories together with subtle themes. #History #Prometheus #Homer #AncientGreece #HistoryFacts https://www.worldhistory.org/review/372/arcadian-days-gods-women-and-men-from-greek-myths/
#historyfacts #ancientgreece #homer #prometheus #History