RT @igbbsl
Schaut Euch dieses Video an. 1 Interview mit dem Fotographen @LouisWitter
Die Zerstörung von Zelten von obdachlosen Flüchtenden ist in #Calais an der Tagesordnung. Soviel zu den so genannten europäischen Werten: Zum Kotzen
#Homes4All #Solidarite https://twitter.com/streetpress/status/1626250146085326848
#calais #homes4all #solidarite
On the land where we live, #Steilacoom people thrived from time immemorial until intervention by the United States in the 1850's. This text documents some of jurisdictional relations since then: https://www.historylink.org/file/5254 #MedicineCreekTreaty #SalmonRestoration #Streamflow #Lushootseed #SalishSea #LandBack #IndigenousSovereignty #WaterIsLife #SovereignCommons #RightsOfNature #HumanRights #Nisqually #Puyallup #SquaxinIsland #BuenVivir #SolidarityEconomics #Homes4All #Dignity4All #DigitalDignity
#steilacoom #medicinecreektreaty #salmonrestoration #streamflow #lushootseed #salishsea #landback #indigenoussovereignty #waterislife #sovereigncommons #rightsofnature #humanrights #nisqually #puyallup #squaxinisland #buenvivir #solidarityeconomics #homes4all #dignity4all #digitaldignity
On the land where we live, #Steilacoom people thrived from time immemorial until intervention by the United States in the 1850's. This text documents some of jurisdictional relations since then: https://www.historylink.org/file/5254 #MedicineCreekTreaty #Lushootseed #SalishSea #LandBack #IndigenousSovereignty #WaterIsLife #SovereignCommons #RightsOfNature #HumanRights #Nisqually #Puyallup #SquaxinIsland #BuenVivir #SolidarityEconomics #Homes4All #Dignity4All #DigitalDignity
#steilacoom #medicinecreektreaty #lushootseed #salishsea #landback #indigenoussovereignty #waterislife #sovereigncommons #rightsofnature #humanrights #nisqually #puyallup #squaxinisland #buenvivir #solidarityeconomics #homes4all #dignity4all #digitaldignity
On the land where we live, #Steilacoom people thrived from time immemorial until intervention by the United States in the 1850's. This text documents some of jurisdictional relations since then: https://www.historylink.org/file/5254 #MedicineCreekTreaty #SalishSea #LandBack #IndigenousSovereignty #WaterIsLife #SovereignCommons #RightsOfNature #HumanRights #Nisqually #Puyallup #SquaxinIsland #BuenVivir #SolidarityEconomics #Homes4All #Dignity4All #DigitalDignity
#steilacoom #medicinecreektreaty #salishsea #landback #indigenoussovereignty #waterislife #sovereigncommons #rightsofnature #humanrights #nisqually #puyallup #squaxinisland #buenvivir #solidarityeconomics #homes4all #dignity4all #digitaldignity
RT @habitatskc@twitter.com
Seattle must meet the moment and implement the changes that are needed – and that the people of Seattle want … It’s time for serious solutions, not a weak repackaging of the same failed approach.” @UrbanistOrg@twitter.com #SeaGov #Homes4All
More: https://www.theurbanist.org/2022/12/09/unserious-in-seattle/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/habitatskc/status/1605020340484280320
RT @pb4p: We've had a housing crisis for well over a decade. We have a housing crisis b/c successive Governments care more about the profits of corporate landlords and vulture funds than the needs of human beings.
Let's #RaiseTheRoof on #Nov26. Fighting together is how we win #homes4all
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1595449735460323328
#RaiseTheRoof #Nov26 #homes4all