@CWilbur thank you :) I #homeschool with a modified curriculum because of my kid's #neurodivergence, but it's important to me to make sure my kid understands the real world.
“Through the program, income qualified families can receive direct payment or reimbursement for expenditures on educational and enrichment activities. #Homeschool families may also request reimbursement for the purchase of curriculum and study materials.” #education #ChildCare #AfterSchool #Ohio
#Ohio #afterschool #childcare #Education #homeschool
Thoughts on #publicschool, #homeschool and #communityschooling.
What public schools could and should be is miles away from what public schools actually are, in practice, today.
Public schools could and should be safe, comfortable places where all children get an equal chance at a quality, diverse education in an environment that celebrates them, led for and by a community.
The reality is that they are often dangerous places where children receive a limited and developmentally inappropriate education in an environment that resembles a prison even more strongly than it does the "real world" jobs schools claim to prepare our children for. How extreme the issues are is highly dependent on the wealth of the community and individual family.
My experience with all of these comes particularly from Florida, but please don't kid yourself into thinking these issues are exclusive to here, or that they won't spread across the country faster than a wildfire.
Most families simply do not have an option but to send their children to public schools. Many others simply haven't considered any other options because public school is right there, with a beautiful promise of education, socialization, and free childcare.
Homeschooling universally gets a bad reputation because holy shit for some families they are a means to extend child abuse around the clock and have been for some time. Plus it can be a lot of time, work and money and comes with a whole lot of judgement and downright aggression from others.
Actual community schools are borderline non-existent.
Faced with these issues, my child's father and I began researching schooling options long before I was even pregnant with our first baby. We looked at studies showing what developmentally appropriate education is for young children and how that contrasts with traditional schooling. We looked at studies showing how homeschool kids actually are socialized and what their lives looked like after finishing high school.
We decided then that our child would not attend a traditional school at least through early elementary school. In the years since, we are both quite adamant that she never attends a public school.
Does this mean we are individualist monsters who hate public education and any children who go to public schools? Of course not, and we both are dedicated to fighting for public schools and for children who attend them. A quality, safe education is a right and all people should have access to that. However it is not our child's responsibility to suffer public schools in their current state as some sort of martyr or symbol that her parents are real anarchists and the only anarchist thing to do is public school.
Since our child was born we have found many wonderful homeschooling groups and programs. She is so young and has a social group as large as mine ever was and more diverse ethnically, racially, economically, etc than I had ever had by the time I went to a university. She interacts with children from a much wider age range than she would in a public school. Her education is built around her interests, play and exploration. Her education is by teachers, her parents, parents of friends and community members. At her supplement school, there are students who are openly trans and she sees them accepted by everyone in our community. She sees nothing even abnormal about queer relationships. She compares her nail art with the boys she hangs out with and nobody is teased for it.
But the reality is that this is a lot of work. Work I will gladly do and that I can do, but especially as she gets older, this isn't going to be cheap. We live in a rural area and spend a LOT of time driving to activities and lessons. Which means I need constant access to a safe, reliable vehicle. It takes so much time to put together schedules and make sure she is getting everything she needs. I love that I get to be so involved in her education and the education of other kids around us, but it's a lot. Not everyone can do this.
However, homeschool co-ops and supplement programs can help make things a lot easier. Time when your child is educated by other adults, in a regularly scheduled setting where they are around kids and having academic needs met is huge. As these grow and become more organized, they can become an actual alternative to traditional education that is truly run by a community, by the families (including the kids!) and educators and include families of all backgrounds regardless of income. They can provide opportunities for parents to continue working. They can truly be a dual power solution to crumbling public education.
We can fight to save public education while also helping to make sure our children get the education that is their right even if we lose that fight.
#publicschool #homeschool #communityschooling
This is a completely #amazing way to amplify your #geography #learning, to help you develop your sense of local place.
#amazing #geography #learning #homeschool #education
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/my-homeschool-podcast/
#GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #Australia #Education #Kids #HomeSchool
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #australia #education #kids #homeschool
#Homeschool folks, if you have a kid who really likes #scienceFiction in TV and movies, this might be a great #book to keep lying around. I don't think it's aimed at little kids, but middle school and up would probably like it.
#homeschool #sciencefiction #book #science
Earlier this year we bought a used camper to put on our seasonal lot in Vermont. This post talks about the camper, and how it stacks up with our other campers.
#challenges #charlie #diy #homeschool #rvlife #tinyliving
Private Tutor (2/2)
The little boy smells so sweet with his white tank and shorty, and the teacher can see vaguely the boy's flaccid pee-pee shape is revealed, making the teacher in heat with sexual desire. Then the teacher and his student's obscene lesson begins...
HD Artwork available for Namja Aspire Premium supporters
#3dcg #shota #homeschool #tutor #namjalicious
Private Tutor (1/2)
A boy was failing in class and his parent hire a private teacher to teach him at home after school. It's just the little boy and the teacher in the room, studying.
HD Artwork available for Namja Aspire Premium supporters
#3dcg #shota #homeschool #tutor #namjalicious
People with experience in #homeschool and #unschool please help:
Our Little One (3) is doing great so far, but I feel I need to learn more so we can do this together with them. It feels overwhelming.
Do you have recommendations on books and guides to teach myself how to homeschool/unschool a pre school age kid? And what follows?
We don't consider schools here safe enough and it looks like it'll be a while before institutions come to their senses.
So we better prepare for the long haul. Thx
I tried to explain Genesis to my 12-year-old #homeschooler last night and he asked me, "Are you telling me they think you evolved from someone's rib?"
#homeschooler #homeschool #science #evolution
A naming project from #Montpelier - giving voice to the #enslaved people of President James Madison.
#histodons #slavery #USHistory #BlackMastodon #geneaology #homeschool #sschat
#sschat #homeschool #Geneaology #BlackMastodon #ushistory #slavery #histodons #enslaved #montpelier
This is one of the many reasons I'm glad we have the #privilege of #homeschool.
#School #Lockdown and Active Shooter Drills: Traumatic for #Neurodivergent #Kids
#privilege #homeschool #school #lockdown #neurodivergent #kids #autism #anxiety #adhd #AuDHD
I went to an alternative boarding school that was exactly what I needed at the time but wasn't very strong academically, and aside from decent history and Civics I missed a lot of foundational learning. On the other hand, I learned really good #criticalThinking skills and those have underpinned my #learning as an adult. As a #homeschool #parent of a #2E kid with specific and unusual #academic needs, I consider critical thinking to be the absolute #foundational knowledge that we cannot do without and everything else scaffolds on top of that.
#criticalthinking #homeschool #parent #2e #academic #foundational #learning
This is also a great #homeschool #geography project for maybe 7th grade up.
These #bigoted parents believe they have the right to dictate the curricula and policy of public #schools to prevent their children from being exposed to ideas they hold in contempt. If these parents need the power to determine exactly what is taught, on an a la carte basis, then they need to put their kids in a private school that better meets their bigoted needs, or #homeschool their kids (since they believe they know better than educators). This is all about #hate.
#bigoted #schools #homeschool #hate
Our 2023-2024 curriculum - covering fourth, fifth, seventh and eleventh-grade. #homeschool
I share this sort of information with my 12-year-old. It is essential #homeschool curriculum.
Good morning! #today I weed-whacked in the drizzle while @pra mowed. I made steak and eggs and grilled tomatoes for him, and had oatmeal and strawberries myself. It’s a cool, dark day in #stlouis. A good day to do laundry, do some #gardening, and read #homeschool curriculum. Later, I’ll take the kids to karate and then we’ll go to my parents’ house for our weekly dinner. Here’s my view from the living room couch.
#today #stlouis #gardening #homeschool