The revolt of the #Christian #homeschoolers
They were taught that #publicschools are evil...
#christian #homeschoolers #publicschools
Things that cause you to pause & say…huh!
I guess #indoctrination only works to a point.
“But what should be a moment of triumph for conservative #christian #homeschoolers has been undermined by an unmistakable backlash: the desertion and denunciations of the very #children they said they were saving.
Former home-schoolers have been at the forefront of those arguing for greater #oversight of home schooling, forming the nonprofit Coalition for Responsible Home #education to make their case.”
#education #oversight #children #homeschoolers #christian #indoctrination An awakening story - Life is Elsewhere… A story to be celebrated…they are brave to go against those physically instilled beliefs…wow. #homeschoolers
Ohio’s “Backpack Bill” would funnel over a billion dollars of taxpayer money into homeschooling and private schools, including the neo-Nazi “Dissident Homeschool Network.”
#Homeschool #homeschoolers #UpperSandusky #OHIO #backpackbill #News #neo-nazis #extremism
#homeschool #homeschoolers #uppersandusky #ohio #backpackbill #News #neo #extremism
Ahhhh pancakes, I love eating them… eating them and especially… eating them.
Today’s poetry prompt promotes the pleasure of putting pancakes in your pie-hole!!!
#PoetryPrompts #Teachers #Librarians #Homeschoolers #Poets
#poetryprompts #teachers #librarians #homeschoolers #poets
@jbe To add insult to injury, A bill to expand the #EdChoice school voucher system and provide more money to #homeschoolers has been proposed in #Ohio as the Department of #Education was investigating a Nazi #HomeSchooling scandal
🔗 As some lawmakers debate Nazi home-schooling scandal, others propose expansion to school voucher program
#homeschoolers #ohio #education #homeschooling #edchoice
I just posted despite this, some Ohio lawmakers propose EdChoice expansion amid Nazi home-schooling scandal
A bill to expand the school voucher system and provide more money to #homeschoolers has been proposed in #Ohio as the Department of #Education is investigating a Nazi #HomeSchooling scandal
#homeschoolers #ohio #education #homeschooling
Some Ohio lawmakers propose EdChoice expansion amid Nazi home-schooling scandal
A bill to expand the school voucher system and provide more money to #homeschoolers has been proposed in #Ohio as the Department of #Education is investigating a Nazi #HomeSchooling scandal
#EDChoice also gives low quality church schools taxpayer money. Say you're a church, become a school. No regulations to be a minister or start a church in Ohio. Popup schools & churches
#homeschoolers #ohio #education #homeschooling #edchoice
As if there was not already a green light in the WV. This sort of casual prescedent is expected as a vein of homeschoolers instruct Nazi or adjecent #nationalist curriculum like Prager.
Ohio Department of #Education Says It Won't Do Anything About Neo-Nazi #Homeschoolers
#nationalist #education #homeschoolers
Some Ohio lawmakers propose EdChoice expansion amid Nazi home-schooling scandal
A bill to expand the #school voucher system and provide more money to #homeschoolers has been proposed in #Ohio as the Department of #Education is investigating a Nazi #HomeSchooling scandal. This is not the first #Holocaust education issue the state has had in one year.
#school #homeschoolers #ohio #education #homeschooling #holocaust
Looking for #mombloggers and #homeschoolers and #edchat people to follow on here - let me know if you fit those categories!
#edchat #homeschoolers #mombloggers
Looking for #mombloggers and #homeschoolers and #edchat people to follow on here - let me know if you fit those categories!
#edchat #homeschoolers #mombloggers
“Inside The Online Community Where #HomeSchoolers
Learn How To Turn Their Kids Into ‘Wonderful Nazis’”
“Inside The Online Community Where #HomeSchoolers Learn How To Turn Their Kids Into ‘Wonderful Nazis’”
Outschool also reported that #Florida has 338,000 #homeschoolers. Not sure where they got that number, but FL's DoE reports just over 152,000 kids educated at home by their parents during the 2021-22 school year. /4
… when I took a closer look at the shared Google Slides that focuses on fancy graphs from Outschool's survey results. Take for example Slide 11 which lists the top 10 #homeschool kids by state and includes #Maryland at #6 with 139,000 #homeschoolers. This is utter nonsense.
I’ve been tracking #homeschool statistics and trends in Maryland for 15+ years and as of June 2022 #MSDE had just under 45,000 homeschool kids. That's more than just an oopsie typo by #Outschool. /3
#outschool #msde #homeschoolers #maryland #homeschool
When #COVID19 hits your house and your #homeschoolers are learning about the #MiddleAges…
#COVID19 #homeschoolers #middleages
@HIH_Homeschool You know, you can export your Following list from your previous instance, then import into your current one. offers some suggestions on how to backup.
You might also set up a Google Form and Sheet and invite #HomeSchoolers #SchoolChoice advocates to sign up. That way, you can import them into your account (and make it easier for them to find each other), if you haven’t done that already. Please do share the list if you do; I’d be interested in following list for homeschoolers to learn more about what you do in education.
My kids hand rolled beeswax candles for our Christmas table. Raise your hand if you like my 9yo's candle.
#homeschoolers #kidhumor #KidsAreWeird
#Education Researchers & #Academics: Please do your jobs. National Center for Education Statistics (#NCES) is your go-to source for demographic info about #homeschoolers. #SecularHomeschoolers know - Christian families are NOT the majority in the homeschool community. Stop pushing that false narrative.
The real problem with this article, however, is that non-homeschooling researchers have now formally defined #unschooling for our educational community. /2
#education #academics #nces #homeschoolers #secularhomeschoolers #unschooling