Are you teaching your kids to ask the right questions?
Ready to join the homeschool revolution?
Download the FREE Homeschool Survival Kit today! Link in bio.
Not quite ready to make the leap? We have just the encouragement you need. Stream Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution for free tonight! Link in bio.
#parenting #podcast #homeschooling
🏴 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇫🇮 🇳🇴 🇭🇷 🇬🇷
Der zweite Teil meiner Artikelserie zum Vokabeln lernen ist nun online:
Vokabeln lernen muss (und soll) kein stupides Ablesen und Einprägen sein. Hier findest Du 20 ansprechende Ideen für die Wortschatz-Arbeit. Alleine, zu zweit oder in der Gruppe.
#Grundschule #FediLZ #Fremdsprachen #Vokabeln #Homeschooling
#grundschule #FediLZ #fremdsprachen #vokabeln #homeschooling
Am I doing enough as a homeschool mom?
Am I messing up my kids?
Kelly Crawford joins Yvette with encouragement for homeschool moms - from a former public school teacher.
Are you ready to dive in to the world of homeschooling?
Download your free Homeschool Survival Kit here - http://Homeschool-Survival-Kit(dot)com
#podcast #homeschooling #education
Zum Thema >home< / Zuhause: „#Homeschooling“ - wenn Dein Zuhause zum Klassenzimmer wird. Ein Clip von Milla Essayie & Malou Zimmermann - im Rahmen von #GemeineStadt, ein Projekt der @BeLapoBi in Kooperation mit Sabrina Dittus & metroZones. Zu finden unter: #Schule
#homeschooling #gemeinestadt #schule
Besonders gespannt bin ich auf die Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Abgrenzung von und Umgang mit Verschwörungsideologien und rechtsextremen Tendenzen in der alternativen Bildungsszene" sowie auf die bildungspolitische Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Bildungspflicht statt Schulpflicht?".
#Freilerner #Freilernen #Bildungspflicht #Schulpflicht #Homeschooling
Vor allem aber freue ich darauf, mit 800 bis 1200 anderen Teilnehmer*innen unser 10-Jähriges Festival-Jubiläum feiern zu können.
#Freilerner #Freilernen #Bildungspflicht #schulpflicht #homeschooling
"When you're incorporating all of the senses, that's when they're learning best." - Kristi Clover
🎧 New Episode Alert! 🎧 Tune in to the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast as Yvette Hampton and special guest Kristi Clover dive deep into "How to Homeschool." Get expert tips, encouragement, and valuable insights to make your homeschooling journey a success!
Watch or listen here -
#homeschooling #podcast #education #howto
My teens are currently singing the songs I made up to teach them seasons and months during homeschooling. I totally forgot how creative I used to be about that. Since they’re still singing them, I guess they worked.😂
#homeschooling #amwriting
Does Homeschooling Lead to Child Abuse?
Dr. Brian Ray shares the truth. Dr. Ray is the founder of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) and the leading expert on homeschool research.
#children #abuse #homeschooling #podcast #school
Pam Barnhill brings practical advice for homeschool goal setting.
#homeschooling #podcast #parenting
Is Common Core still a thing?
Why should I care?
Alex Newman joins Yvette to explain the GLOBAL implications of Common Core for every family.
Ready to start homeschooling? Download your FREE Homeschool Survival Kit today. *Link in bio.
#school #education #commoncore #homeschooling #podcast
Two of my children opt to do their studies in 2-3 hours of straight work, going from assignment to assignment, quiz to quiz, test to test, subject to subject.
The third gives himself regular breaks.
I have no point, just something I've noticed.
Aren't common core and school choice public school issues? How do they affect homeschoolers?
Alex Newman joins Yvette Hampton with a sobering warning for homeschool parents.
#schoolchoice #education #school #publicschool #homeschooling #podcast
#schoolchoice #education #school #publicschool #homeschooling #podcast
📚 Education and Self-Reflection 📚
Join us on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast as Missy Andrews shares her #homeschooling journey and the importance of recognizing our own sins as parents. Learn how acknowledging our flaws and repenting for mistakes can transform our relationships with our children.
Watch or listen here -
#HomeschoolingJourney #SelfReflection #TransformativeParenting
#homeschooling #homeschoolingjourney #selfreflection #transformativeparenting
How do I homeschool my boys when they're always moving?
Mark Hancock, of Trail Life USA, joins Yvette with some practical advice for #homeschooling #boys.
#homeschooling #boys #parenting #teaching
Nach gut 2 Wochen die ersten 1000 Visits und knapp 750 Visits auf geschafft. Bin zufrieden. 😊 Ist ja noch ein sehr kleines Projekt.
#DigitaleBildung #HomeSchooling #Grundschule #Blog #Statamic
#digitalebildung #homeschooling #grundschule #blog #statamic
🌡️ 32° im Klassenzimmer. Da bin ich froh, den Nachmittag über zuhause im Büro zu sein und neues #Material zu erstellen und für Artikel zu recherchieren:
🚢 💥 Passend zur Hitze findet ihr nun »Zahlen versenken« als kostenlosen Download. Schiffe versenken trifft #Mathematik.
Wenn es euch gefällt, dann boosted gerne. Die Seite ist noch jung und ich freue mich über ein wenig Resonanz. :)
#Grundschule #FediLZ #HomeSchooling
#material #mathematik #grundschule #FediLZ #homeschooling
“If you make homeschooling an ultimate thing instead of a subordinate thing in service of the truth of God and the love of God in Christ Jesus for sinners, that kind of truth and knowledge that homeschooling itself will be perverted. It will become an idolatrous demon that devours you and your kids wholesale.” – Missy Andrews
Watch or Listen at -
#homeschooling #parenting #podcast
Mehr zur grundsätzlichen Ausrichtung und Idee des Festivals ist in diesem Blogbeitrag beschrieben:
#Bildungsvielfalt, #Freilerner, #Schulpflicht, #Kinderrechte, #Adultismus, #Homeschooling, #Unschooling, #Montessori
#Bildungsvielfalt #Freilerner #schulpflicht #kinderrechte #Adultismus #homeschooling #unschooling #montessori
A lot of people think self teaching can't happen, and it's often true: messy, false starts, incorrect assumptions and interpretations, and lack of motivation and follow through are all very real challenges without feedback and guidance. It's important to check for the Dunning-Kruger effect.
When I was growing up mostly left to my own devices to learn, with a minimal prescribed curriculum, but I was assessed every year. I would love if someone made or linked a huge repository of quizzes and tests for self assessment. There are sites like Kahn Academy, but one with advanced and specialized topics would be nice
#homeschooling #unschooling #autodidact #pedagogy
#Homeschooling war mir immer suspekt. Auch jetzt denke ich noch, die Gesellschaft & die Behörden müssen genau hinschauen. Etwa, wenn in einer Familie nur die Mädchen, nicht aber die Jungs zuhause unterrichtet werden. ABER: Manchmal liegt HomeSchooling im Interesse der Kinder. Dann nämlich, wenn die #Schule & die #Lehrpersonen nicht fähig oder willens sind, das Kind zu sehen, zu fördern und zu schützen. 1/2
#lehrpersonen #schule #homeschooling