Five years ago today people in Ireland (& some who travelled #HomeToVote) #repealed the #8th in Ireland.
There was lots of organising for people to get to their polling place (Ireland doesn't make it as easy as some other countries).
The following day I was in a sunny field full of buttercups desperately waiting on updates from the tally people via twitter.
By the time the marriage equality and abortion referendums came I had already lost my Irish vote, but am very proud of how the country voted
@darach I hear you, but I’d be optimistic.
I think we could see heroic moments when different instances will ally to others for a particular cause. I would easily imagine #homeToVote creating an emotional response that others would boost.
I know we’ll do the same, for the down trodden and the common sense elsewhere in the world.
I also think we need to keep Twitter accounts alive. There will always be a public fight to have.
I know we called Twitter a hellsite and most of us deactivated multiple times but I'm just thinking about #repealthe8th and #hometovote and even the Super Mario red beret thread and how these things couldn't have kicked off on a different social media website.
Even if Mastodon takes off, we have lost something. Or rather, we have had something stolen from us.
97.6% YES
77% turnout.
115,000 members. 1,500 workplaces.
Thank you to every single one of our members and representatives
No f***s given.