Estamos en directo:
- Charla sobre #CienciaCiudadana con @DieGrueneAmeise
- #Reddit blackout
- #Debian 12
- Arde Canadá
- Pegatinas AI Free
- La marioneta Manolo con mocos de niños mal criados.
- El creador de #Clippy admite que ocultó a Clippy por vergüenza.
- #HomeWorkers en 2100
- Caballo lejano.
- Nos vemos esta tarde en el centro social okupado la Ferroviaria (varias charlas y luego música y cervezas y charlar sobre #hacking underground scene, ..)
- ..
Vente !!
#cienciaciudadana #reddit #debian #clippy #homeworkers #hacking
@serenebabe Good that you think about that. Its wise to do so. I live in The Netherlands, we have a lot of spaces where you can work! Just your consumptions. Beside that you can rent a place with other #homeworkers.
Did you know that in the olden days (pre-pandemic), it was the retired people in the street who took in all the parcels for their working neighbours, rather than the other way round. #HowSoonWeForget #BeforeTimes #HomeWorkers #FutureOfWork
#howsoonweforget #beforetimes #homeworkers #futureofwork
Raconteur’s round-up of the #2022 world of work has me dwelling on the desperate, straw-clutching absurdity of command-&-control bosses in denial over the normalisation of #RemoteWork
They accuse #HomeWorkers of being less productive, and when it’s proven that folk are, in fact, exactly meeting the terms of their #employment, they call it #QuietQuitting
Don’t expect employers to be the grown-ups in the #FutureOfWork
#remotework #homeworkers #employment #QuietQuitting #futureofwork
For all the #homeworkers out there. What #playlist do you keep coming back to when working? For me, it's the "Hannibal Piano" on #spotify
I do like classical, and listen to it from time to time, but I'm no classical buff. This works for me though. Helps keep the focus on other things and helps to avoid the distraction when listening to my "regular" music.
#homeworkers #playlist #spotify