Black male gang members in St. Louis were at an elevated mortality risk from all causes of death, including homicide, compared with other Black males.
#NICHDimpact #Mortality #homocide #gangs #violence
Olivia Colman domestic abuse interview: ‘Women are still expendable’ | The Independent
#domesticabuse #domesticviolence #coercion #coercivecontrol #women #men #Colman #tender #homocide #femicide #tyrannosaur #refuge #DomesticAbuseAct #hestia #kindness #Respect #equality #MenCanBeDomesticAbuseVictimsToo
Children in low income households with parents with low education levels face a higher risk of early death (< age 24) than peers—mainly due to unintentional injury & homicide
@uncpopcenter #NICHDImpact #Education #Death #Mortality #Injury #Homocide #SocioeconomicStatus #EducationDisparities
#NICHDimpact #Education #death #Mortality #injury #homocide #SocioeconomicStatus #educationdisparities
What's this business that 'Guns don't kill people?'
**Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years**
The number of children and teens killed by gunfire in the United States increased 50% between 2019 and 2021, according to a #PewResearchCenter analysis of the latest annual mortality statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (#CDC.)
#guns #gunviolence #shooting #mortality #homocide #suicide
#pewresearchcenter #cdc #guns #gunviolence #shooting #mortality #homocide #Suicide
Tracking America's unsolved homicides