Economism's core method is reducing human interaction to "incentives," to the exclusion of morals or ethics - think of #MargaretThatcher's insistence that "there is no such thing as society." Economism reduces its subjects to #HomoEconomicus, a "rational," "utility-maximizing" automaton responding robotically to its "perfect information" about the market.
#margaretthatcher #homoeconomicus
“Regenerative economies focus on nourishing communities and the natural eco-system.” Sophie Bloemen from Commons Network said.
Transformative economics such as #Degrowth #SocialSolidarityEconomy #FeministEconomics... “All these different ways overlap, but are different. Yet move us away from the idea of #HomoEconomicus.”
#degrowth #socialsolidarityeconomy #feministeconomics #homoeconomicus
Explain it to me like I am 5 years old:
The day after the FED has another rate hike (0.25%) the #NYT says mortgage rates are falling
#economics #markets #housing #InterestRates #HomoEconomicus #RationalBehavior #FOMC
#fomc #rationalbehavior #homoeconomicus #interestrates #housing #markets #economics #nyt
This one I have to miss, but whether you are in Edinburgh or elsewhere, look! A hybrid seminar on 29 Nov 2022 at 1600 (GMT):
Calculative agency and moral fault: responsibility in market offences
Prof Lindsay Farmer, University of Glasgow
Details and registration
Being there:
Being elsewhere:
#Law #CriminalLaw #MarketMisconduct #MarketForces #HomoEconomicus
#homoeconomicus #marketforces #marketmisconduct #criminallaw #law
@alienghic The financialized perspective can be pernicious. It ends up treating physical processes as mere daemons to be commanded by pricing & incentives.
But this headline gets the reader who is accustomed to the financial idea to consider that "warming" is the ultimate arbiter here; i.e. warming can prevent $$ machine from functioning. #homoeconomicus