OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
63 followers · 602 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Let’s face it, the US is Ugly. THIS is why.


The US is UGLY. How did this happen? How did we get this suburban sprawl that we all have to live with today? And what can we do to improve our communities? Turns out it's lots of money, PR, and, you guessed it, racism. Let's talk about it.

#capitalism #commodification #homogenization #sprawl #cookiecutter #suburbs #Community

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonathan Lenoir · @jonlen
108 followers · 62 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Nice talk from @JeremBorderieux on & of understory plant communities in French

#thermophilization #homogenization #forests

Last updated 2 years ago

Victor Venema · @VictorVenema
1480 followers · 1653 posts · Server fediscience.org

I am Victor Venema. I was born in , The Netherlands, and studied physics there. My PhD was about measuring cloud structure. I currently work on the of climate station data in , Germany, and on @GrassrootsReview.

I am also one of the admins of . We would like to create a friendly place to talk about science, but feel free to talk about anything. Please notify Frank Sonntag @admin or me early of unfriendly behaviour.

#introduction #Groningen #homogenization #Bonn #ClimateScientist #Fediscience

Last updated 4 years ago