Michael Edwards · @MichaelLondonSF
193 followers · 3387 posts · Server mas.to

Is anyone collecting homonyms? This one is new to me.
"Tories continue to drag their heals "


Last updated 1 year ago

Aye pryde miself on the great care end dillligense eye take in ansuring perfekt spelling, but sumtymes i have a breif panik when i want two rite "ally" but worry if eyrie aktuallly ment "alley", whilst odder tymes i neeed to ryte "alley" then wunder iff aye ruly ment "ally", amd allso i oftenm wunder what nu sentances is, also gramma.

#whimsy #grammar #spelling #homonyms #panic #satire

Last updated 1 year ago

GeorgeLThomas · @GeorgeLThomas
72 followers · 154 posts · Server mastodon.world
Pat · @Pat
153 followers · 3211 posts · Server qoto.org

Grassy knoll conspiracy theory #213...

Skydiver killed by a grassy knoll.
(Shoot didn't open.)

#kennedy #homonyms #conspiracytheory #puns #weird #joke #boomerhumor

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1434 followers · 6777 posts · Server aus.social

It's interesting how pronunciation mistakes creep into even professionally produced audiobooks. I've been listening to some Jeeves & Wooster audiobooks, along with some Agatha Christies, and occasionally you'll get someone pronouncing a word like pariah as "par-ee-ah".

One example that's popped up more than once is a description of clouds that lower. In this case it's mean to be pronounced to rhyme with "power", ie lowering clouds are those which hang dark and threatening. Check out this example (with a different spelling) from Shakespeare's Richard III:

"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that *lour'd* upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried."

But often in the audiobooks, the narrator pronounce this form of lower as rhyming with "mower". Which is not correct, eg in the section of Jeeves in the Offing I just listened to:

"The storm clouds may *lower* and the horizon grow dark, we may get a nail in our shoe and be caught in the rain without an umbrella, we may come down to breakfast and find that someone else has taken the brown egg, but at least we have the consolation of knowing that we shall never see Aubrey Gawd-help-us Upjohn again."

#words #language #homonyms #wodehouse #pgwodehouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Grammargeddon Angel · @GramrgednAngel
81 followers · 169 posts · Server zirk.us

ROLL and ROLE are . Some people have trouble remembering which is which.

ROLL can mean a baked bread, like a cinnamon roll, or it can mean to cause something to move. Perhaps there are wheels involved. Perhaps it's by tossing the thing, like dice (or a single die). It can even refer to something that's rolled up, like a roll of parchment or carpeting.

ROLE is a part someone plays. It might be fictional (as in a play or a game), or occupational (a teacher, a nurse). 1/2

#gummystuff #homonyms

Last updated 2 years ago

· @toreigninhell
77 followers · 466 posts · Server mas.to

When really screw up the meaning of a sentence...

#funny #editor #homonyms

Last updated 2 years ago

Parisa Rashidi · @parisa
57 followers · 49 posts · Server sigmoid.social

Me: Kids, I have to go and work on my slides.

5yo: Do you get to play on them too?


Last updated 2 years ago

Boud · @boud
255 followers · 1516 posts · Server framapiaf.org


"Meanwhile, there is no reason to suspect that the new generation of political prisoners will be fermenting [sic] revolution."

That depends on the level of hygiene in the cells.




Last updated 4 years ago