Eric · @ericjhc
12 followers · 354 posts · Server
George-E Tchern · @getchtchern
40 followers · 480 posts · Server

@DavidCormand@respublicae.e Inviter , et , est une erreur grave, toutes les "explications de texte" n'y changeront rien, le mal est fait; avec cette affaire qui restera dans les annales, n'est plus crédible. Pire, cette invitation de Médine sert les intérêts de l'extrême-droite, elle légitime leur idéologie haineuse, antisémite, raciste et homophobe

#Medine #homophobe #antisemite #eelv

Last updated 1 year ago

mof · @mofhst
32 followers · 584 posts · Server
Jeremie Lopez · @Pepez
25 followers · 55 posts · Server
Gagui · @Gagui
37 followers · 133 posts · Server

"La justice, en l’espèce la Cour administrative d’appel de Paris, reconnaît au policier Amar Benmohamed la qualité de . Le brigadier-chef avait – en interne, puis dans les colonnes de @streetpress à l’été 2020 –, dénoncé des maltraitances policières dans les geôles du tribunal de justice de Paris."

Parmis ces maltraitances, des insultes et ainsi que des privations d'eau et de nourriture.

#lanceurdalerte #raciste #homophobe

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Reader · @mreader
114 followers · 399 posts · Server

Is Mark Robinson an ignorant, totalitarian wannabe that would destroy North Carolina?

The ignorant, totalitarian wannabe just screeched, "Yes."


This is the same guy that once said that young kids didn't need to learn science or HISTORY.

(On Twitter: You can follow @JoshStein_ for a sane choice for NC governor.)

#minivantaliban #klannedkarenhood #selfhate #ncpol #history #sexist #homophobe #antisemite #fascist #extremist #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

TP · @3dogcouch
183 followers · 2082 posts · Server

Idk if that poor production video is more stupid or pathetic &14 year olds can't even vote.

#msnbc #inners #desantis #homophobe

Last updated 1 year ago

Maintenant que Twitter bug, beaucoup de gens viennent dans les différents serveurs et c'est très bien.

Cependant soyez vigilant, il y'a des trolls et des personnes problématiques qui viennent aussi.

J'ai vu sous ma publication précédente une remarque , c'est la première fois que je vois un message haineux sur Mastodon.

#homophobe #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Tousled Crane · @raschmi
413 followers · 3506 posts · Server

Ich habe Angst vor - Weil sie Menschen nicht akzeptieren!
Ich habe Angst vor - Weil sie Menschen nicht akzeptieren!
Ich habe Angst vor der - Weil sie Menschen nicht akzeptieren!
Ich habe Angst vor - Weil sie Menschen nicht akzeptieren!

#nazis #afd #politikern #homophobe

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
598 followers · 29346 posts · Server

"Figured out how to make a lose their shit in 5 seconds flat

Just tell them "if you feel you can choose what you're attracted to and want to be with, you're probably bi (or something else similar)" and watch em explode at the mere implication that... feeling you can to be attracted to a different is not a straight feeling"

#homophobe #genders #choose #gender

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear 🌈♀ · @MsDropbear
194 followers · 790 posts · Server

@Lunatech @MediaActivist My goodness! Unless you type much MUCH faster than me [which i admit is a low bar, hee] then this must have taken you simply yonks to do. Thanks muchly for putting in the stellar effort, including ofc much considered thought. 👍

Whilst i feel the power, control & profiteering motive likely does indeed underpin large swathes of this, it dismays me that here we see, yet again, *religion* being the entire edifice on which such hypocritical pursuit is built... which given my vehement rejection of all religiosity in all manifestations, only increases my sense of dissatisfaction.

It would be superb, albeit IMO highly implausible, if some actual genuine good ol' rabid &/or seriously engaged in a debate over this, but they're NOT allowed to use any aspect of religion in making their "justification". Tbh, i entirely doubt it's possible.

I refrained from mentioning this in my OP, but now i've seen your opus [heehee] i shall go there. Given that, exactly like lefthandedness, or brown eyes, or purple hair, neither "gayness" nor "transness" can be "caught" by cis het peeps [ok, maybe purple hair can be😜 ]. Thus, even if the shocking anti-queer warfare now being conducted in so many countries was/is entirely predicated on the charlatan pursuit of church enrichment, it's not like "oh no, we must urgently eradicate all queerness coz otherwise our entire congregations nationally & globally will catch it, all become purple-haired lefthanded gay trans peeps, all stop having babies [like yeah sure, nobody say "science" ffs], & thus condemn us to generational de-enrichment". 🤦‍♀️

TL;DR: I firmly believe these *phobes have no leg to stand on, given IMO religion is an illegitimate excuse. Trouble is, so many of these dimwitted bigots seem too neuron-deficient even to be able to conceptualise this stuff... but they do know where their guns are.

#homophobe #transphobe

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear 🌈♀ · @MsDropbear
188 followers · 680 posts · Server

@Dinkenfunkle Hmmm, if you're now becoming the kind of meta-woke [haha, noice] post-woke snowflake who unduly worries about a perceived meanness of still wielding the descriptor, i humbly offer you a range of synonyms for your consideration & deployment.

I have more, but the ink in my pen just ran out [so now i need to go chase it].

#rwnj #arsehole #cretin #dickhead #flatearther #mouthbreather #knuckledragger #hatefilledmonster #ethicsfreezone #protonazi #neonazi #racist #homophobe #transphobe #misogynist

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server
ToAllPointsWest · @toallpointswest
109 followers · 2643 posts · Server

As a reminder, Alt-Right wing troll Ethan Schmidt is on probation. If you see him harassing people, keep that in mind..and his PO officer

#ethanschmidt #homophobe

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve · @Thompson
157 followers · 3044 posts · Server


"Right-wing commentator Stephen Crowder threatened wife and 'exposed himself' to co-workers"

#gop #hypocrisy #homophobe

Last updated 1 year ago

Heretical_i · @heretical_i
17 followers · 616 posts · Server
Taram Boyle Écrivain Gay · @taramboyle1
87 followers · 595 posts · Server

Si ce baiser vous dérange, vous êtes peut-être simplement L'homophobie touche principalement des personnes qui ont un problème avec leur propre sexualité. Vous pouvez vous faire aider. Courage !

#homophobe #loveislove

Last updated 2 years ago

Some ppl. are just unconsciously , but still consciously know about it. But there is actually something, you can do about it, without stopping to be a homophobe: STOP watching Gayporn!!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
130 followers · 320 posts · Server

Some ppl. are just unconsciously , but still consciously know about it. But there is actually something, you can do about it, without stopping to be a homophobe: STOP watching Gayporn!!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
130 followers · 320 posts · Server

Some ppl. are just unconsciously , but still consciously know about it. But there is actually something, you can do about it, without stopping to be a homophobe: STOP watching Gayporn!!!


Last updated 2 years ago