Stopping to blow some #dandelions on the way home... We hadn't been walking for long and didn't make it much further after this. I had to call Jon and get him to pick us up, because Jake was absolutely exhausted. Not used to no-nap days after the school holidays! 😂❤️
#parenting #honestparenting #honestmotherhood #parentingrealities #adoption
#dandelions #parenting #honestparenting #honestmotherhood #parentingrealities #adoption
Not necessarily in that order, if I'm entirely honest! Sometimes I long for the snores!
How about you?
#parenting #parentingreality #realparenting #parenthumor #parentinghumor #parentingwithhumor #parenthumour #parentinghumour #parentingwithhumour #momhumor #mumhumour #momhumour #parenting #honestparenting #honestmotherhood
#parenting #parentingreality #realparenting #parenthumor #parentinghumor #parentingwithhumor #parenthumour #parentinghumour #parentingwithhumour #momhumor #mumhumour #momhumour #honestparenting #honestmotherhood
3 evenings this week, we've had the same conversation. And 3 times he's absolutely sobbed at 6pm because it's too late to go to the library, so we've agreed to go the next day after school. 🙈
#honestparenthood #honestparenting #mumlife #momlife #mumstruggles #momstruggles #parentingstruggles #thestruggleisreal #parentingmoments #parenting #preschoolers #preschoolerlife #library
#honestparenthood #honestparenting #mumlife #momlife #mumstruggles #momstruggles #parentingstruggles #thestruggleisreal #parentingmoments #parenting #preschoolers #preschoolerlife #library