Jabra 3 Active, muy apañaos se pueden usar parar correr con ellos puestos. #FinDeLaReview #HonestReview
Another day, another perspective of Mastodon. This time, GNOME Tuba. #HonestReview time: it rocks better than Tokodon, which is shocking coming from a proponent of all things KDE Gear.
#HonestReview of iOS 17— is it a game changer? No. Is it still developing? Yes. My favorite features? Contact posters and standby for sure. And the least? The damn fucking contrast issues. Podcasts and StandBy each have their own issues with contrast.
... animated sequence. It's more simple to read about it. To sum it up, I liked Oxenfree. I was exhausted by Night School Studios decision to extend the length of the game by forcing rudimentary mechanics onto us, but the story kept me going.
Looking forward to a sequel and announced series, if it ever happens...
#Oxenfree #FreeGames #EpicStore #HorrorGames #Gaming #VideoGames #GameReview #HonestReview
#honestreview #gamereview #videogames #gaming #horrorgames #epicstore #freegames #oxenfree