I clearly have not got Bloodsport out of my system yet.
#bloodsport #jvcd #honesttrailers
Honest Trailers | Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 #honesttrailers #guardiansofthegalaxy #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxd04OWYm_s
#honesttrailers #guardiansofthegalaxy #youtube
Honest Trailers | Team America: World Police #honesttrailers #davincicode #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFukUt38vzc
#honesttrailers #davincicode #youtube
Honest Trailers | The Transformers: The Movie (1986) #honesttrailers #transformers #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub12DkmRUnI
#honesttrailers #transformers #youtube
Honest Trailers | John Wick Chapter 4 #honesttrailers #johnwick #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCz1mJ_kHts
#honesttrailers #johnwick #youtube
In a world where every new release is about small town kids on bikes having a spooky adventure in the 80s...
The Evening Post: Honest Trailers | The Oscars 2023 (Best Picture Nominees)
Screen Junkies has a new Honest Trailers recapping all the movies nominated for Best Picture at The Oscars in 2023.
#TheEveningPostStuff #BestPictureNominees #HonestTrailers #HonestTrailers|TheOscars2023 #TheOscars #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #bestpicturenominees #honesttrailers #theoscars #youtube
Be sure to watch the subsequent commentary for this episode as well... They're SO MAD the algorithm of topical engagement forced them to watch this...
RT @screenjunkies
Jinkies, how did this get a second season?
NEVER compare what #HonestTrailers is doing with Cinema Sins.
Because it shows a fundamentally wrong understanding of Honest Trailers.
Well, I've been almost in tears of laughter watching the short sarcastic "Honest Trailers" (YouTube), which prick the bubbles of quite a few movies!
Honest Trailers | Every Star Wars Movie (Compilation) #HonestTrailers #YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V1g4HiHyWY
Because I can poke fun at my childhood.
#HonestTrailers #BatmanReturns #DannyDevito #ThePenguin #Batman #MichellePfeiffer #Catwoman #MichaelKeaton #ChristopherWalken
#christopherwalken #michaelkeaton #catwoman #michellepfeiffer #batman #ThePenguin #dannydevito #batmanreturns #honesttrailers
I caught this one before, and missed my chance to pass it on; so, when it cropped up in my feed again I had to share the love.
(And yeah, this reblog is indeed an endorsement.) #Andor #HonestTrailers
I caught this one before, and missed my chance to pass it on; so, when it cropped up in my feed again I had to share the love.
(And yeah, this reblog is indeed an endorsement.) #Andor #HonestTrailers