30. Most obscure would be my own games I’ve written, Barks & Bites, 666 Madison and others available on http://capybaraz.itch.io Otherwise probably various One Page RPG’s by Grant Howitt. The Witch Is Dead, #HoneyHeist, #Trashkin.
#trashkin #honeyheist #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 (30) Obscure RPG you've played.
I've playtested a few unpublished #TTRPG so probably that, but also feels like a cop-out answer.
#SkateWizards and #HoneyHeist are probably the most obscure published ones I've played, but I figure they're not particularly obscure to the audience of dice.camp
#Ambrosia is a Dutch language #TTRPG based on the folklore of the Low Lands which I think is pretty obscure outside our area as well. I think there's also an English translation but not sure.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #SkateWizards #honeyheist #Ambrosia
"The year is 1943. You are a team of crack #vampire commandos with one mission: drink all of Hitler's blood. "
What a pitch for a #ttrpg?!
#EATTHEREICH by Rowan, Rook and Decard —#Kickstarter
Written by #GrantHowitt (#HoneyHeist, #Spire, #Heart) and illustrated by #WillKirkby (#CriticalRole, #Image, #Darkhorse, #Boom).
#vampire #ttrpg #eatthereich #Kickstarter #granthowitt #honeyheist #Spire #heart #willkirkby #criticalrole #image #darkhorse #boom
Day 14) Funniest #TTRPG ever played.
#HoneyHeist by Grant Howitt.
Our criminal gang of bears had to steal Abraham Lincoln's beehive from a tractor-trailer. So we scared off the staff of a truck stop and impersonated them, then lured the truck there by an offer of free pancakes. My bear dressed as a waitress to distract the driver while the rest of the crew played switcheroo with another truck's trailer. Highlight: the growly "conversation" my bear-waitress had with the driver.
#ttrpg #honeyheist #rpgaday2023
Tag 17: Funniest game I've played
Spaß kann man eigentlich in vielen Runden haben, nicht nur in spezifischen Spaß-Systemen. Müsste ich aber ein Fun-System nennen, wäre es für mich #HoneyHeist. Ich mein, man spielt einen Bären mit Hut, der Honig bei einer Convention stehlen will, das ist ja schon absurd. Und lustig. Ich fand den One-Shot letztes Jahr ziemlich toll. 🙂 #RPGaDAY2023 #pnpde
#honeyheist #rpgaday2023 #pnpde
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 17: Funniest game.
This would be one I mentioned before, #HoneyHeist. You're a bear on a heist for honey and have two stats, Bear and Criminal which you have to balance out. Lots of fun.
#TTRPG #RPGaDay2023, Day 11 "Weirdest game you've played"
This is a tough one.
We once started a game of #Fiasco where originally we were gonna make a wedding cake for a Goblin Princess, but somehow we ended up running a coup d'etat with the main ingredient being a compost heap.
There was also #HoneyHeist where we infiltrated a honey convention as a group of bears in disguise.
And so many others that were weird but good. I'll avoid mentioning the "weird and bad" ones.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #Fiasco #honeyheist
#rpgaday2023 Day 11: the weirdest game i played:
Every #Fiasco or #HoneyHeist game i play ends in the weirdest and sometimes greatest roleplaying sessions. The last fiasco i was the lover of the police chiefs wife who accidently killed the girlfriend of my son who sold drugs to half the town. It ended like a Tarantino movie. In HoneyHeist the players did a job for Sir Bearington: get the honey from the KaDeWe in Berlin during a protest for more protected bikelanes. It ended well for the bears..
#rpgaday2023 #fiasco #honeyheist
@grischa @Rollenspielblog ich kann da noch #honeyheist von #granthowitt empfehlen. Außer: ihr seid Bären und wollt den Honig der Menschen klauen gibt es da keine Regeln. Nun gut eine: der Verkleidungswert = geht ihr als Mensch durch oder nicht. Der Rest ist freies Erzählen.
Myself and my co-author have begun development on an anime-themed one shot #ttrpg based on #honeyheist. We hope to be able to share details REALLY soon! Remember to sign up for our newsletter to keep up with all things @srasgames! https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/510309/93627053792823058/share
My latest game Pirate Cats From Space! is a hack of #HoneyHeist by where you're space pirates, who just happen to be cats.
It's available in the #PocketQuest Rocketfest bundle with a bunch of other awesome space-themed games.
#honeyheist #pocketquest #pocketquest2023
I just saw that my little TTRPG "Rodents with Guitars" has been mentioned in this Polygon article about the Queer Games Bundle 2023! 🐀🎸💖
#QueerGamesBundle #RodentsWithGuitars #NagetiereMitGitarren #pnpde #TTRPG #IndieGame #HoneyHeist Hack
#QueerGamesBundle #rodentswithguitars #nagetieremitgitarren #pnpde #ttrpg #indiegame #honeyheist
Missing a player for today’s #ttrpg session so we all played a one shot of #HoneyHeist instead! The criminal bears driving a convertible Camaro robbed the luxury truck convoy honey convention! Gordy “Golden Boy” Holister and his band of armed golden biker guards couldn’t stop them from stealing both the honey and the ultimate prize, Black Orchid Goth Honey made by rare vampire bees!
Anoche empecé a ver el primer volumen del #HoneyHeist que hicieron los de Critical Role hace unos años y se me saltaban las lágrimas de la risa. Que la premisa sea que tus jugadores son osos y que tienen que llevarse la miel del pueblo donde están es receta asegurada para NI UNA IDEA BUENA xD
Dino DNI
A Jurassic Park-Inspired Honey Heist Hack with MAGICAL DINOSAURS
It’s 1986 and you are here to prevent AmbGen from cloning dinosaurs and the devastation and suffering it will cause...
Two Things –
One: You are going to break one of the most secret and secure laboratories ever constructed ...
#ttrpg #IndieTTRPG #NotDnD #HoneyHeist #Dinosaur #Dinosaurs #JurassicPark
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #notdnd #honeyheist #dinosaur #dinosaurs #jurassicpark
I always find it intensely flattering when people draw stuff when I'm running games.
I've really missed that.
¡Llegó la hora del atraco meloso! Descarga #HoneyHeist en castellano de @gshowitt
2. Zur späten Stunden (18.03., 21:00 bis Mitternacht) biete ich dann eine Runde "Liminal_" an. In dem stimmungsvollen Spiel hat jeder Charakter genau einen Stat ("Erschöpfung") und das dürfe man auch zur späten Stunde schaffen. Die Macher von #MörkBorg , #HoneyHeist , #ElectricBastionland etc. haben einige Räume beigesteuert. Da kann man fast schon nicht nein sagen. Mehr Infos zum Spiel gibt es hier: https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/products/liminal_
#morkborg #honeyheist #electricbastionland
Finally played #HoneyHeist by @gshowitt for the first time. A completely ridiculous game of bears pretending to be human to steal honey in a criminal way. So much fun and so simple, a sliding scale from criminal to bear with d6s determining success or failure, throw in some flashbacks to tweak the scale. Well worth giving it a go #ttrpg #OnePageRPG #TTRPGCommunity
#honeyheist #ttrpg #OnePageRPG #TTRPGCommunity
You have two stats: Football and Fantasy. Attempt the heist of a lifetime and try to stay hydrated! https://rjmakes.itch.io/mascot-mischief
Name your own price. All proceeds donated to organizations that support athletes and others affected by concussions and CTE.
#honeyheist #sports #sportsrpg #ttrpg #quickplay