I found something to go with the Honey-Oat Bread!! Eggplant Kasundi*! The cinnamon and sweetness just blend into the yummy chutney taste. A perfect match, such a surprise. Could add a slice of cheddar, I reckon, not too bitey.
*A chutney from the Punjab, mustardy, spicy, this version made with Eggplants, obviously.
#food #baking #cooking #bread #TodayIamCooking #HoneyOatBread
#food #baking #cooking #bread #todayiamcooking #honeyoatbread
No-Knead Honey Oat Bread. I was intrigued by this recipe, and love to experiment, so decided to try it. FYI I by no means am a master baker and in fact bake only occasionally - and usually bread rather than sweet things. Please, give me a little leeway, many thanks.
Quite a soft and moist bread (there are no suitable synonyms for moist in this context, I think). The dough was so moist it couldn't really be shaped, but still, it cooked well. Comments on the recipe suggest that most people find this, although her dough is just firm enough to shape.
Tastes of cinnamon and oats. Sweet. Could do with less cinnamon. The recipe suggests eating with avo but to me it tastes too cinnamon-y and sweet for that. I can imagine a soft cheese, or mascarpone or ricotta.
It also suggests honey-butter as a topping - this would be waaay too sweet in this household, tho the US seems to favour more sweet flavour profiles. I'd love it to handle blue cheese or vegemite (but it won't).
Verdict: Ok, but too sweet for my tastes. Also, I have a preference for kneaded breads I feel, with a few exceptions. Won't make again.
#food #baking #cooking #bread #TodayIamCooking #HoneyOatBread
#food #baking #cooking #bread #todayiamcooking #honeyoatbread