@thecfhk RT by @MarkSimonHK: Britain's #China policy just became that much more confusing as @annietrev raised #JimmyLai & the #HongKong47 yet embraced meeting #HongKong's puppet minister with open arms. Christopher Hui should never have been allowed to visit the UK while holding a UK citizen in jail. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/thecfhk/status/1648739948722257955#m
#china #jimmylai #hongkong47 #hongkong
@ZhouFengSuo RT by @badiucao: 在曼哈顿华盛顿广场公园集合,声援被捕的香港47民主派人士,他们无罪,应该立即被释放。 邹幸彤黄之锋黎智英李卓人何俊仁梁国雄很多人都是我们敬重的师友,挂念他们,盼望他们早日自由。 #Hongkong47 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/ZhouFengSuo/status/1647768880637526017#m
@hksca_UW RT by @students4hk: 【初選無罪—全球聲援47人案聯合行動】NOT GUILTY – Stand with #HongKong47 Our fellow Hongkongers are suppressed & can't speak up in #HongKong. Therefore, living in the land of freedom we must stand up for their rights & speak for #HK47, show the world the hypocrisy of HK govt & CCP https://nitter.hongkongers.net/hksca_UW/status/1647780094956679168#m
@thecfhk RT by @MarkSimonHK: #HongKong to make 1st ministerial visit to the UK in 3️⃣ years despite their: ❌ Silence on broken Sino-British Joint Declaration ❌ Silence on #JimmyLai ❌ Silence on the #HongKong47 @RishiSunak, do you really desire to do business with the #CCP?! https://www.ft.com/content/f685b98b-7667-4cbf-b582-cdab53b1aa79 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/thecfhk/status/1636300625905348608#m
#hongkong #jimmylai #hongkong47 #ccp
The #HongKong gov threatens to seek criminal charges on @SenJeffMerkley & Rep. Chris Smith as the two @CECCgov chairs called for sanction on prosecutors and other officials responsible for the arrest and prosecution of the #HongKong47. Alright, idiot. https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202303/01/P2023030100648.htm?fontSize=1 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/frances_hui/status/1631012143460933637#m
@CECCgov RT by @hk_watch: Chairs seek sanctions for those complicit in arrest and prosecution of #HongKong47. See full statement @ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/chairs-seek-sanctions-for-those-complicit-in-arrest-and-prosecution-of https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1630691793489522692#m
@CECCgov RT by @benedictrogers: Chairs seek sanctions for those complicit in arrest and prosecution of #HongKong47. See full statement @ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/chairs-seek-sanctions-for-those-complicit-in-arrest-and-prosecution-of https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1630691793489522692#m
@CECCgov RT by @Stand_with_HK: Chairs seek sanctions for those complicit in arrest and prosecution of #HongKong47. See full statement @ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/chairs-seek-sanctions-for-those-complicit-in-arrest-and-prosecution-of https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1630691793489522692#m
@CECCgov RT by @SunnyCheungky: Chairs seek sanctions for those complicit in arrest and prosecution of #HongKong47. See full statement @ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/chairs-seek-sanctions-for-those-complicit-in-arrest-and-prosecution-of https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1630691793489522692#m
@CECCgov RT by @AnnaKwokFY: Chairs seek sanctions for those complicit in arrest and prosecution of #HongKong47. See full statement @ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/chairs-seek-sanctions-for-those-complicit-in-arrest-and-prosecution-of https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1630691793489522692#m
@CECCgov RT by @frances_hui: Chairs seek sanctions for those complicit in arrest and prosecution of #HongKong47. See full statement @ https://www.cecc.gov/media-center/press-releases/chairs-seek-sanctions-for-those-complicit-in-arrest-and-prosecution-of https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CECCgov/status/1630691793489522692#m
@thecfhk RT by @MarkSimonHK: Thank you @SenatorRisch for calling out the #CCP's trial against the #HongKong47. @SenateForeign said, "This charade illustrates #China’s destruction of the rule of law and how afraid it is of different opinions.” https://hongkongfp.com/2023/02/08/hong-kong-courts-are-independent-govt-says-after-us-politician-calls-47-democrats-trial-a-charade/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/thecfhk/status/1623625856965914628#m
@thecfhk RT by @benedictrogers: Insightful article by @BenedictRogers that analyzes how the trial of the #HongKong47 reveals #Beijing's increasing abuse of the #NSL. "The world's media must cover this trial from start to finish, and ensure that the eyes of the world remain on the 47." https://www.ucanews.com/news/trial-of-47-a-sign-of-hong-kongs-descent-into-a-police-state/100278 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/thecfhk/status/1623001814911135765#m
@thecfhk RT by @benedictrogers: Great article by @benedictrogers on the #CCP's trial of the #HongKong47 amid the #HelloHongKong campaign. "But even as #Beijing’s crackdown on #democracy plumbs new depths, #HongKong’s PR team is working overtime to make sure you don’t hear about it." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/02/07/chinas-brutal-hong-kong-crackdown-cant-ignored/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/thecfhk/status/1622952014144540672#m
#ccp #hongkong47 #hellohongkong #beijing #democracy #hongkong