土直生日月 · @haveakiller
36 followers · 486 posts · Server mstdn.jp
Carteles de Cine · @cartelesdecine
2 followers · 15 posts · Server tkz.one

La nueva película del coreano (La novelista y su película). Un director de cine visita, junto a su hija, a una antigua amiga decoradora de interiores. se estrena en cines el 25 de agosto wp.me/p31Uqp-1iSa

#hongsangsoo #enloalto

Last updated 1 year ago

Jorge ☕️ · @rjmourinha
112 followers · 1186 posts · Server woof.group

Film of the day: 물안에서 (IN WATER, dir Hong Sang-soo, 2023) A filmmaker in search of a film, ie a typical Hong trope, is slyly subverted by bewilderingly, deliberately unfocused camerawork, opening new doors for his slight no-budget plotting.

#berlinale73 #hongsangsoo #drama #comedy #filmmaking #meal

Last updated 2 years ago

Adieu au langage · @jmpineau
105 followers · 179 posts · Server piaille.fr

La Romancière, le film et le heureux hasard,

"Juste sous vos yeux" se terminait sur une promesse non tenue. Au réveil, son héroïne recevait un message vocal du cinéaste rencontré la veille, dans lequel il revenait sur sa proposition de tourner avec elle un court-métrage. La Romancière, le film et le heureux hasard résout, par la complicité de ses protagonistes féminins, ce désir fictionnel resté lettre morte.


#hongsangsoo #cinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
78 followers · 4564 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com


Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

"What do you do about Korean men,
They only think about sex."
A great lite comedy. It's a pleasure to see Isabelle Hupert running around being in three different scenarios in a deserted coastal town in Korea. Hong finds humor in repetitions in slightly different situations and awkward exchanges in English. As always with any Hong movies, it all comes down to excessive smoking and getting shitfaced on copious amount of Soju. And it's true. All Korean men are animals with only one thing in their minds. (Not true)

#isabellehuppert #hongsangsoo #younyuhjung #inanothercountry

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

Clocking just over an hour, The Day After tells an illicit love affair of a small time book publisher and his mousy employee from the point of view of a new employee named Arum (beauty in Korean, played by Hong's muse Kim Minhee). Arum gets tangled up in the publisher's messy life on her first day on the job, when she gets assaulted by his suspecting wife. As always in Hong fashion, The Day After is shot unremarkable and is in ugly black and white. Don't matter, it's still great human comedy about fickle relationships. Not as angry as Alone on the Beach, but just as confessional, Hong makes a case for how hurtful affairs can be. When you are in love nothing really matters- you will sacrifice everything including a stranger who just happens to be there. Love can be a very selfish and ugly thing. It's sad, funny & poignant all the same. Grown to love Hong's naturalism. There is no movie phoniness or over the top self-reflexiveness in his work.

#hongsangsoo #thedayafter #kimminhee

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

What I appreciate about is not only his steadfast consistency in traipsing the stickiness of the human relationship but also his complete disregard for what he deemed unnecessary bullshit - namely excessive title sequence, dramatic music or coverage (hence the excessive used of funny, automated zooms). also doesn't really care much about the conventions of a do over/what if romantic comedy. The first take isn't an earth shattering catastrophe or anything and completely plausible as much as second scenario which is obviously more desirable. He plays with the notion of the games we play and certain inhibitions in our society on different occasions. It's also a delight to see reversing those roles fueled by alcohol. His jab at film critics and how to behave in front of them were also telling. All in all, the film is yet another great comedy from prolific Hong who continues building a great, unique body of work.

#hongsangsoo #rightnowwrongthen #kimminhee #koreancinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

Singular, prolific Hong Sangsoo graces us with Our Sunhi, soon after Nobody's Daughter Haewon. Another slight variation on the world of post-college entanglement soaked in soju & stained with cigarette butts. After getting a less than satisfying recommendation letter from her former professor, timid Sunhi (Jeong Yumi) confronts an old flame, Moonsoo and her former college senior and the professor in an attempt to define herself. The three men, all rekindled their interests in Sunhi, try to grapple themselves with their overwhelming attraction to the young woman who they find kind, smart and sometimes brave. Heavily inflected by alcohol and desire, their opinions of her overlap and get muddled. But in the end, after much digging, everyone reaches pretty much the same conclusion of that she is a good person. Hong concocts yet another delicious human comedy.

#hongsangsoo #koreancinema #oursunhi

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

I was looking at Hong's films all wrong. As I see more of his, I realize that I don't need to compare him to anyone who might or might not have influenced him. His is very much his own and original. He has a sense of humor about portraying human vagaries. He's playful in his own small way & puts much trusts in his actors. Unlike the title, Young hee doesn't end up on the beach at night. It's daytime, dusk at best. Love and break up is a painful business. Hong shows how it is under the scrutinizing eyes of the public, physically manifested here as a stranger in jarring surrealist moments - first in Hamburg, asking Young hee what time it is, then as a window washer in the second one. They are minor characters, but they are widely visible, but soundly being avoided and ignored yet their presence felt. For a Hong film, even though it has many funny moments, the over all mood of On the Beach is bitter and sad.

#onthebeachatnightalone #hongsangsoo #kimminhee

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

It's quite amazing that Hong's been making the same film with little variations for close to 20 years now with an unwavering consistency. Sure, as his reputation has grown as one of the leading Korean auteurs on the international film stage, and his films now feature European art house staples (this time around, Jane Birkin). But the scope of his films has remained pretty much the same. Nothing really new here- having an affair with older professor/movie director, drinking and smoking, and wrestling with that sinewy entanglement we call human relationship. But you can't not end up falling for Haewon (Jeong Eun-chae), a pretty college student who's about to be orphaned because her mom's permanently relocating to Canada. Her married professor/director wants to continue their 'secret' affairs and gets mad jealous and clingy at the same time, even though they both are tired of their predicament. Very enjoyable and endearing.

#hongsangsoo #koreancinema

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
466 followers · 2219 posts · Server universeodon.com

Yourself and Yours turns out to be perhaps the most poignant and romantic film of all the Hong's I've seen so far. Inebriated Minjung (Lee You-young) flirts with a film director she just met, over beer. When they meet, the director is convinced that he knows her from somewhere but she vehemently denies it. Over a short period of time before the encounter, she leaves Yongsoo and breaks up with an older man who also first thought she was Minjung but she tells him that she is her twin sister. Just to be in the clear, Yourself and Yours is nothing like Buñuel's or Kieslowski's. Hong's interest is not in identity crisis or duality of men. His double takes and alternate scenarios may seem manipulative (also delicious) but the movie is more to do with accepting a person for who that person is, with blemishes and all that.

#yourselfandyours #koreancinema #hongsangsoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank Schmidke · @brutstatt
19 followers · 144 posts · Server norden.social
Frank Schmidke · @brutstatt
16 followers · 100 posts · Server norden.social
Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
346 followers · 1355 posts · Server universeodon.com

In Hong's latest, The Novelist's Film, the conversations revolve around a period of creative stagnation among artists. It unfolds how chance meetings could break such a dry spell & give everyone involved a new direction. So goes another meta auto fiction of Hong as he reveals sliver of his filmmaking process - 'compulsion' to make films in the director's earlier days are gone. But inspirations can't be forced - life always provides them in unexpected ways.

#hongsangsoo #kimminhee #leehaeyoung

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
331 followers · 1193 posts · Server universeodon.com

“Let’s get rid of all men and love each other.” - On the Beach at Night Alone (2017) - Hong Sangsoo

#hongsangsoo #kimminhee

Last updated 2 years ago

jpl_lambert 💉…💉 · @jpl_lambert
66 followers · 228 posts · Server mastodon.social

2022 (début)

Juste sous vos yeux ()

+ Lee Hye-young, Kwon Hae-hyo, Cho Yun-hee

#galerie #hongsangsoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Filmgarten · @filmgarten
30 followers · 24 posts · Server det.social
Hayley Scanlon · @HayleyLScanlon
91 followers · 52 posts · Server bbq.snoot.com

Now streaming via MUBI (UK), Hong Sang-soo's In Front of Your Face. wp.me/p1x9li-eM1

#KoreanCinema #koreanfilm #film #filmreview #hongsangsoo

Last updated 2 years ago