Tiny Swan Babies (Cygnets) Eat Out of My Hand and Make Silly Beeping Noises 🦢🦢🦢
RT @stuntpope
BombthrowerTV Episode 9 with B. J. Dichter: Honking For Freedom...
#FreedomConvoy #HonkHonk
https://bombthrower.com/podcast/bttv-9-b-j-dichter-honking-for-freedom/ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1651615966969692165
Can you see the Canada goose in this photo? Because the goose can see you.
In other news, my horn works good.
#noeuphemismintended #honkhonk
#honkhonk 💗 🇺🇸 💗 🇨🇦 🌼
I love this man Luis...
He is the embodiment of the world's voice for freedom. God bless him. 🙏
"Gorilla Government"
Canada in 2023: protesting the government is still allowed, but only on private property
RT @Concern70732755
On the anniversary of the Freedom Convoy that inspired a Nation -what’s your story & perspective ??
It's time to fight for our right to FREE SPEECH!
And NO, free speech isn't something someone came up with recently to allegedly undermine democracy!
Free speech is the very foundation of freedom and democracy!
Once it's gone, so are freedom and democracy!
RT @StaceyKauder: We won’t stop @CPO until @jordanbpeterson is free. #honkhonk @BethanNodwell @judyloohoo2 @AndersonAfDMdEP @WWCADTour @MaximeBernier @ChanLPfa @Vets4FreeCanada
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1617124159577853959
CARO "madame coucou" Lessard est prête pour le
"Freedom Convoy 2.0 des édentés analphabètes" et faire #HonkHonk pour avoir la LIBARTÉ de nous faire honte à travers le monde 🤩
- Caro, c'est dans les Tops des plus "dévissés du bocal" au Québec
RT @CarolineLessar8@twitter.com
Découvre la vidéo de FREEDOMCONVOY2023! #TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFoGskYo/
Tout un programme…
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CarolineLessar8/status/1613936135847251976
#honkhonk #gofundyourself #tiktok
Predictably I fell asleep early, but just watched the Dripfield from last night’s Tonight Show. Great pick and nicely arranged for a 4 min TV performance, even if they had to clip a couple pieces of the song. Sounded like they had some fans in the audience too #honkhonk
Quand les #HonkHonk disent que la police a pas été fine avec eux ...
It's called #LawAndOrder motherf&ckerz
RT @MissHamilton80@twitter.com
@bouboulandQC@twitter.com Quand y disent 5 jours d'avance de decrisser, pis tu decrisse pas..
Guess what !
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MissHamilton80/status/1596619101245669376
Can there be another Ottawa occupation in 2023?
Well, I haven't seen much proof that the OPS has done much to clean house for its apparent complicity, and sufficient proof has materialized that the Ford Gov't didn't & wouldn't do anything ...
So yeah. I strongly suspect we'll see a repeat of the occupation in 2023.
I love that he just did the procedural equivalent of #honkhonk and got shut down, lmao #cdnpoli #poec #TrudeauWasRight
#honkhonk #cdnpoli #poec #trudeauwasright
Minister Bill Blair testifying right now
#WARCAMPAIGN #live #poec #freedom #canada #liberal #honkhonk
Convoy recap Calgary to lethbridge nov 4 - Save the Coutts boys
Public Order Emergency Commission
LIVE - Brenda Lucki RCMP Commissioner to testify
#canada #freedom #BouncyCastle #honkhonk #poec #BrendaLucki #MikeDehume #RobPrimo
Public Order Emergency Commission
LIVE - Brenda Lucki RCMP Commissioner to testify
#canada #freedom #BouncyCastle #honkhonk #poec #BrendaLucki #MikeDehume
The Federal Government Tried To Deploy The Canadian Armed Forces
Here is another bombshell cross examination with the Government of Alberta’s commission a lot more has come uncovered.
#canada #Alberta #coutts #freedom #BouncyCastle #honkhonk #poec #Trudeau