RT @MammaMia100000@twitter.com
Todays the day London Grandmother & granddaughter duo run the #honolulumarathon raising funds for @LLSCanada@twitter.com good luck ladies! Running in memory of Jim Kitching thank you ladies! Help them reach their goal https://secure.llscanada.org/site/TR/LTN/Ontario?team_id=5990&pg=team&fr_id=1353&fbclid=IwAR35p9yBNyMAoSafL7tG_ow_JkjhGc9d9ShFaFqwpqfa-Z0Rfg4QTCbA7Hc @NPaparellaCTV@twitter.com @CTVLondon@twitter.com #lndont #lymphoma
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MammaMia100000/status/1601949095958036483
#honolulumarathon #lndont #lymphoma
I finished the virtual Honolulu Marathon this morning and submitted my time and distance to them. It took me two and a half weeks to accumulate the 26.2 miles! I'm glad they still allow virtual races (initiated during the pandemic) since old people like me get a chance to virtually participate. #hawaii #honolulu #marathon #honolulumarathon #virtual
#hawaii #honolulu #marathon #honolulumarathon #virtual
All set for a 5am race start for the #HonoluluMarathon. Now I just have to try to get some sleep.
Getting ready for #honolulumarathon #running by not running at all. Fortunately there is no time limit.
I ascertained my record in the #Honolulumarathon2019.
But in the result, I didn't find.
#Hawaii #Honolulu #Honolulumarathon #marathon
For 2 hour and 10 minutues?
These are photos of the #illumination of Honolulu.
#iluminacion #photo #photography #photographylovers #写真集
#honolulumarathon2019 #hawaii #honolulu #honolulumarathon #marathon #illumination #iluminacion #photo #photography #photographylovers #写真集
This is the medal of #10KRunandWalk, #HonoluluMarathon.
About of #fullmarathon, how is the design?
#Honolulu #Hawaii #ホノルルマラソン #10Kランアンドウォーク #マラソン #Marathon #Photo #Photography #写真好きと繋がりたい #写真撮ってる人と繫がりたい #写真で伝える私の世界
#10KRunandWalk #honolulumarathon #fullmarathon #honolulu #hawaii #ホノルルマラソン #10Kランアンドウォーク #マラソン #marathon #photo #photography #写真好きと繋がりたい #写真撮ってる人と繫がりたい #写真で伝える私の世界
Today, I will go to #hawaii , to join to the #honolulumarathon .
I ate #katsuretsu with the #demiglacesauce in #Ueno.
I wanted to eat the meal like #ginza .
#photography #cutlet #cutret #cutlets #photography #photo #写真好きと繋がりたい #meal #写真で伝えたい
#hawaii #honolulumarathon #katsuretsu #demiglacesauce #ueno #ginza #photography #cutlet #cutret #cutlets #photo #写真好きと繋がりたい #meal #写真で伝えたい
#FITbit accureted the quality of my #sleeping.
But on yesterday, it’s bad.(#poor)
So sad and why?
#Fitbit #fitbit2 #FIT $FIT #fitlistopad #fitnessmotivation #marathon #honolulumarathon
#fitbit #sleeping #poor #fitbit2 #fit #fitlistopad #fitnessmotivation #marathon #honolulumarathon
With #Fitbit2, I also go to the #KonamiSportsClub and running.
But I had both calf pain, particular of under side, I stopped to running since 5 mins.
and I walked 6km/h but didn't stop the pain, so 10th mins I finished.
#fitbit #FIT #Running #HonoluluMarathon #marathon
#fitbit2 #konamisportsclub #fitbit #fit #running #honolulumarathon #marathon
I bought #fitbit2, the old-fashioned #Fitbit watch.
But I can accurate bpm, walking distance, burned calories and so on.
I heard it can note the quality of my sleeping accurately, but is it true?
I want to buy the stock of the Fitbit
#FIT $FIT #fitlistopad #diet #honolulumarathon
#fitbit2 #fitbit #fit #fitlistopad #diet #honolulumarathon