26-2. Vandaag geboren in 1808 Honoré Daumier, kunstenaar
Born today in 1808 Honoré Daumier. (d.1879), artist
Scherp criticus van de politieke en sociale misstanden in het Frankrijk van zijn tijd.
Very critical of the political and social wrongs in his time in France
Afbeelding. Derde klas rijtuig Image: Third-Class Carriage
#art #kunst #honoredaumier #socialcriticism
26-2. Vandaag geboren Honoré Daumier, kunstenaar
Born today Honoré Daumier. (d.1879), artist
Scherp criticus van de politieke en sociale misstanden in het Frankrijk van zijn tijd.
Very critical of the political and social wrongs in his time in France
Afbeelding. Derde klas rijtuig Image: Third-Class Carriage
#art #kunst #honoredaumier #socialcriticism
26-2. Vandaag geboren Honoré Daumier. kunstenaar
Born today Honoré Daumier. (d.1879), artist
Scherp criticus van de politieke en sociale misstanden in het Frankrijk van zijn tijd.
Very critical of the political and social wrongs in his time in France
Afbeelding. Derde klas rijtuig Image: Third-Class Carriage
#art #kunst #honoredaumier #socialcriticism
A Marsiglia è #NatoOggi nel 1808 il pittore e caricaturista #HonoréDaumier, deve la fama alle sue vignette satiriche, il valore dei suoi dipinti ebbe riconoscenza postuma
The Serenade, 1858 ca
National Galleries of Scotland, Edimburgo
#26febbraio #NatoOggi #honoredaumier
Why does the caricature of the Kukryniksy remain a caricature, and the caricature of Honore Daumier - high art? The answer is simple: high art creates, first of all, a hero - not at all a funny person, but extremely serious. Ridiculous and funny things can happen around him; but he himself - embodies the ideal of the artist.
#maximkantor #art #book #honoredaumier #Kukryniksy #mastoart