" is seen as a of , & exploration. Drumming has a of the 's which listeners embody. Regarded as a living , the drum is viewed simultaneously as a & device. Connects you to your 's ."

I feel this young woman was experiencing a in her & crown .

She is

That's what it does for me!

#lift #chakras #drumming #expression #tone #entity #guardian #wisdom #sacred #blessed #healing #honoring #traditions #spiritual #rhythmic #drummer #intention #creativity #soul #thirdeye #michaleliakama

Last updated 2 years ago

Sandi OReilly · @SandiOReillyFineArt
194 followers · 563 posts · Server mastodon.art
parallelarts · @parallelarts
112 followers · 138 posts · Server zirk.us

@samuteki loving this thread - thank you! Will think on this & get back to you. Meanwhile will fav all of these incredible responses - each one is an inspiration!

#inspiration #support #celebration #persistence #honoring #gratitude

Last updated 2 years ago