Another idea, which I treat only as a curiosity, because the efficiency of such a system (how much real energy it will produce) to the cost certainly does not give a positive balance in a reasonable time perspective.
#Solar cells integrated into #car #hoods - #Fraunhofer ISE #TDBNews
#solar #car #hoods #fraunhofer #tdbnews
1. Make sure the AV is empty. 2. Gently put a traffic cone on its hood. 3. It stops.
These huge rolling cameras record everything, block buses & traffic, run over dogs, and should never have been approved to be on our streets.
#automatic #autonomous #vehicles #AV #self #driving #selfdriving #cars #kill #san #fransisco #protesters #put #traffic #cones on #car #hoods to #stop #them
#automatic #autonomous #vehicles #av #self #driving #selfdriving #cars #kill #san #fransisco #protesters #put #traffic #cones #car #hoods #stop #them
Erste Testfahrt heute Abend mit dem neuen #Gravelbike gemacht! Alder! Noch sehr ungewohnt, der #Lenker ( #Bremsen ). #Unterlenker ok, aber in den #Hoods fahren... 😳
Das braucht wohl noch Gewöhnung...
#hoods #unterlenker #bremsen #lenker #gravelbike
Chatting with #ChatGPT about whether #LewisCarroll could have used the word “#boots” as a #portmanteau for the two words “#bonnets” and “#hoods”:
#chatgpt #lewiscarroll #boots #portmanteau #bonnets #hoods #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #bonnetmaker #makerofbonnetsandhoods
Chatting with #ChatGPT about whether #LewisCarroll could have used the word “#boots” as a #portmanteau for the two words “#bonnets” and “#hoods”:
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #Bonnetmaker #MakerOfBonnetsAndHoods #Boots
#chatgpt #lewiscarroll #boots #portmanteau #bonnets #hoods #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #bonnetmaker #makerofbonnetsandhoods
Columbus Ohio Most dangerous Neighborhoods
##Ohio #614 #70438 #Akita #Akitadestinations #Akitatour #Akitatravel #Akitatrip #Akitavacation #Columbus #dangerous #drive #Eastside #Entertainment #Franklinton #Gentrified #GHETTO #hood #hoods #tour #WeinlandPark #WestSide #秋田
#ohio #akita #akitadestinations #akitatour #akitatravel #akitatrip #akitavacation #columbus #dangerous #drive #eastside #entertainment #franklinton #gentrified #ghetto #hood #hoods #tour #weinlandpark #westside #秋田
Maybe since I don't have much to share right now, mentioning some kinky hashtags and interests might be a conversation starter...
I'm sure I'm missing stuff but it's a start!
#mummification #ducttape #bondage #longtermbondage #rubber #leather #sleepsack #gag #collar #straitjacket #flogging #electro #estim #boots #gloves #hoods #objectification #master #slave #sadist #masochist #chastity #beards #bears #cage #immobilization #suspension #casting #bodycast #piss
How many hoods is too many hoods? I think three hoods at once is pretty much spot on for a snowy day. #hoods