Alice 🌻 · @alice_digest
68 followers · 70 posts · Server

Hoofin' It was a 99p deal & I couldn't resist the title, cover & blurb...

🤯 The most repetitive writing I've ever encountered. I cannot overstate how repetitive it is!
🤷🏻‍♀️ Baffling sex trafficking plot in what is meant to be a COMEDY! I mean, what's funnier?!
👎 Author is firmly from the "tell don't show" school. Many important events happen "off the page."
👎 MC is meant to be 27yr old ex-cop but acts 17. All characters have the exact same voice and humour.
👎 Alpaca side-kick is false advertising!
💀 I'm afraid this was a DNF 42%

Full rant/review

Anyone else read this? 😂

#bookreview #bookbub #books #readingcommunity #bookstadon #Reading #booksofmastadon #hoofinit

Last updated 2 years ago