None of that " #SoundOfMusic " crap worked for me.
I'm not a " #HookedOnPhonics " person either.
So no braille sheet music for me;
It's all in my brain, heart and hands.
#soundofmusic #hookedonphonics
@Paperbacks_n_Frybread TO all giving this amazing human 💩💩💩 why are you here? Clearly it says #decolonize your book self do you know what that means?! Learn to read #hookedonphonics
@realcaseyrollins remember #rollercoastertycoontwo, #legoislandtwo, #hookedonphonics, #legorockraiders, and that old #hotwheels one
#hotwheels #legorockraiders #hookedonphonics #legoislandtwo #rollercoastertycoontwo