Good news for physical media lovers. That's one off my list, now. Wish Netflix would capitulate and let me buy His House and Midnight Mass, but I suppose that's asking for too much.
#Prey #Hulu #PhysicalMedia #TangibleMedia #4K #bluray #hooray
#prey #hulu #physicalmedia #tangiblemedia #4k #bluray #hooray
#NoSpoilers or #Anything...
#Hooray for #NinjaMilkshakes... [#OnlySuitableForNinjas]
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🍨🥛🍫🐻🍫🥛🍨
#nospoilers #anything #hooray #ninjamilkshakes #onlysuitableforninjas
@njamster such good questions and #justified hints! so much tinkering, #hooray !
@Trini_Queen good morning ☺️ I made it to Friday #hooray :awesome_rotate: hope you have a good night and see you over here soon :ablobwave:
Vandaag een rondje met lotje gereden in de auto, ze raakt altijd in paniek van een reismandje dus ik hoop dat ze straks lekker op schoot mee kan naar onze nieuwe plek ❤️ ze was een beetje ontevreden maar niet in paniek #hooray
#Hooray for #GingerbreadVulcans...
#TheFuture is #Bright; #IT has #Cake in #IT...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕️🥮🍫🦄🍫🥮☕️
Oceanvs Orientalis - GALAXY Mix
#hooray #gingerbreadvulcans #thefuture #bright #it #cake
my agenda, todo tada! list:
-support the emerging/marginalised
-focus on essentials
Dear friends without agendas consider:
-admin bias
-sales pitch
-is social media pro people?
We may be: unconventional, unorthodox, unpopular, kitten saturated
For sure:
#Autistic #Buddhist #Enlightenment
#Reality #Allies #Science
the :Mastodon: :Fedi: is emerging into simplicity as it learns to serve its users … you know that … you grows it
What a ride! :elmo_fire: :hearthands: :blobthanks:
#hooray #autistic #buddhist #enlightenment #reality #allies #Science
New Threadmaker album out today, I sing and shout and toot in a vortex of sound. RIYL: Glenn Branca, Sonic Youth, Crass, Craw, Enablers, ???
Also we play at Mickey's tonight with Moritat and True Name, on first.
#hooray #punk #noise #freeimprovisation #jazzpunk #bandcamp
After what seems like years, but has only been a month or two, my co-author (@workingwriter) and I have gotten pdfs of the finalized version of Mastodon For Dummies! The book will be available everywhere in a few weeks.
I just finished skimming through the book (I've read the whole thing a few times now) and I think we've done Mastodon and the #fediverse justice and I'm really proud of it. I can't wait for you all to see it. #dummies #mastodon #book #hooray #preorders
#fediverse #Dummies #mastodon #book #hooray #preorders
Hello from @ivory ! If you can’t find it in the Apple App Store - here’s a link #Ivory #Hooray!
Vandaag voor het eerst sinds de kaakchirurg vorige week géén clusteraanval gehad. Ben er doorheen denk ik 😆 #hooray
Three days in a row COVID negative, out of quarantine! #hooray
But... SO still testing positive. Based on personal experience: if you don't rest up this current strain of CV will linger forEVER. Don't say I didn't warn you.
#Hooray !!! -I joined #Mastodon exactly two months ago and I haven't used #Twitter at all the last couple of weeks. I'm Twitter-detoxed! 😃 -let's all #celebrate Mastodon tonight!!
#stablediffusion #aiart #celebrate #Twitter #Mastodon #hooray