From #Hoover to #Nixon to #Obama, Presidential Centers Call to Protect #Democracy
A #rare statement released jointly from groups representing nearly a century of #presidents stresses the importance of the pillars of #democracy & #civility in #politics.
#hoover #nixon #obama #democracy #rare #presidents #civility #politics
Henry, Portrait of a Serial Hoover
(Yes, that is a pun on the film title)
#pun #film #photography #hoover #henry
Il fisico #USA Robert #Oppenheimer fu messo sotto inchiesta dall'#FBI #Hoover e dal fanatico del "terrore rosso" Joseph #McCarthy
Sorvegliato e intercettato avevano paura che lo scienziato "rosso" potesse rivelare i segreti dell'atomica ai sovietici...
#usa #oppenheimer #fbi #hoover #mccarthy
#Filmfest 906 #Cinema #Film #Movies #Movingpicture #ThePrivateFilesofJEdgarHoover #Hoover #USA1977
Ich bin der Boss – Skandal beim FBI (The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover, USA 1977) #Filmfest 906
#filmfest #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #theprivatefilesofjedgarhoover #hoover #usa1977
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Alabama Lawmakers Propose Making It a Felony to Fake an Abduction After Carlee Russell Saga #Jezebel #carleerusselldisappearancehoax #carleerussell #aprilweaver #nickderzis #kidnapping #lawcrime #felony #crimes #hoover
#jezebel #carleerusselldisappearancehoax #carleerussell #aprilweaver #nickderzis #kidnapping #lawcrime #felony #crimes #hoover
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Carlee Russell's Boyfriend Asks Public to 'Stop Bullying' Her Online #Jezebel #disappearanceofcarleerussell #thomarlatrellsimmons #thebirminghamnews #bertrandrussell #carleerussell #persecution #stuartrome #bullying #bobcopus #alabama #hoover #abuse
#jezebel #disappearanceofcarleerussell #thomarlatrellsimmons #thebirminghamnews #bertrandrussell #carleerussell #persecution #stuartrome #bullying #bobcopus #alabama #hoover #abuse
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Police Say Carlee Russell Searched Whether 'You Have to Pay for an Amber Alert' Before Disappearance #Jezebel #lawenforcementintheunitedstates #lawenforcementincanada #carleerussellsearched #carleerussell #childsafety #amberalert #nickderzis #hoover
#jezebel #lawenforcementintheunitedstates #lawenforcementincanada #carleerussellsearched #carleerussell #childsafety #amberalert #nickderzis #hoover
Longvic : il y a trente ans, le 24 mai 1993, 700 emplois disparaissaient avec #Hoover
There’s really no difference between the #LoveBombing pedestal (#idealization) and the it’s all your fault POS status (#devaluation). While one feels better than the other, both are equally meaningless. They’re just different versions of the same #manipulation. The carrot and the stick are one and the same to the #codependent #PeoplePleaser.
Meaning, both conditions can’t simultaneously be true. You can’t be the most amazing, special-est man/woman ever and the most horrible person ever. Especially when a #borderline, #narcissist or #histrionic partner vacillates between the two extremes multiple times within the same hour.
But which one is true? Again, neither.
So many clients are easily manipulated by the mercurial opinion of their #BPD, #NPD or #HPD partner. It's the reason they walk on eggshells. #ClusterB #PersonalityDisorder-ed people don’t have a cohesive, stable sense of themselves (i.e., #construct). Hence their rage and perceived #victimhood at the smallest and/or imaginary slight or criticism. As such, their construct of other people – including you -- is similarly unstable.
“You bought me a new car!!! Yay!!! I love you!!! Thank you, daddy!!!! Best daddy ever!!!!!”
“You won’t let me have a third cookie!!!! Mean mommy!!! I hate you!!!!!”
Therefore, any approval from a BPD, HPD or NPD person is meaningless if it can change on a dime. This becomes a manipulation tactic once they figure out the power they can wield by alternating withholding love or blowing smoke up your butt (i.e., variable ratio reinforcement schedule).
It’s all the same to them.
In my experience, these individuals enjoy being cruel more and resent having to love bomb or #Hoover. The overt cruelty is more enjoyable because of the contempt they feel for you for tolerating their abuse. I also suspect it makes them feel more powerful when their victim grovels for love. Contemptuous and powerful.
Furthermore, healthy adults don't change their opinion of you just because they occasionally feel irritated, hurt or disappointed by you. In fact, healthy adults can still love and respect their partner even when they’re super angry with them. And can do so without engaging in wanton cruelty or childish nonsense. Imagine that!
If you're still trying to make it work with a disordered partner because you don't think you can live without their approval, please understand that for which you’re tolerating abuse IS NOT REAL. It’s your codependency and need for external validation from someone who'll never be capable of giving it to you that's real. They'll continue to exploit your vulnerabilities and abuse you for as long as you're willing to suffer it and them.
#lovebombing #idealization #devaluation #manipulation #codependent #peoplepleaser #borderline #narcissist #histrionic #bpd #npd #hpd #clusterb #personalitydisorder #construct #victimhood #hoover #abusehasnogender #themoreyouknow
My latest #crime #histodon #fbi #cia #conspiracytheories #sixties #jfk #RFK #MarilynMonroe #MKUltra #CHAOS #Hoover #Angleton
#crime #histodon #fbi #cia #conspiracytheories #sixties #jfk #RFK #MarilynMonroe #mkultra #chaos #hoover #angleton
Blijft nog steeds dat de tweede zangeres #liesjeSadonius, vanop de eerste plaat van #hoover nog steeds de beste zangeres blijkt.
Sorry Geike 😉
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Alabama Town Says Girls' Basketball Team Being Denied Trophy Was a 'Misunderstanding' #Jezebel #brittneygriner #jaymemashayekh #basketball #allanrice #sports #hoover #nba
#jezebel #brittneygriner #jaymemashayekh #Basketball #allanrice #sports #hoover #nba
Tough to be a girl, especially in cosmopolitan #alabama
"A group of fifth grade #Hoover girls forced to play boys in a recreational youth league were not recognized as champions despite winning the league title when the trophy was instead awarded to the boys who lost the game, according to parents.
The girls, who played in a competitive girls’ league for three years representing Spain Park, were told they could not continue to use Hoover gyms..."
Kaksien #lumityöt jälkeen vaihdoin vielä lakanat ja imuroin.
Nyt olen ansainnut lasin juomaa, NIH!
(#Laika was like:)
#koira #koirat #dog #dogs #hoover #vacuum #VacuumClean #VacuumCleaner
#lumityot #laika #koira #koirat #dog #dogs #hoover #vacuum #vacuumclean #vacuumcleaner
Bertie may have done you a favour.
An acquaintance had a robot hoover. she thought it a wonderful thing. Until her Rottweiler had an attack of diarrhoea. The poor, sick dog was considerate enough to leave this on an easily (if unpleasantly) cleaned patch of tiled floor. The hoover, however, had a better idea. It spread the mess over two fitted carpets, and worked it all well into the pile attempting to clean up the mess it had made.
Ain't technology wonderful.
Look what we shot down over #Hoover Dam this morning! (USA! USA!)
Can anyone identify it? ;)
Beware the #ValentinesDay #Hoover, #LoveBomb, "let's be friends," "I just want to #coparent" trojan horse. To quote Admiral Akbar, "It's a trap!"
Also, beware of cats bearing gifts ;)
#AbuseHasNoGender #NPD #BPD #HPD #narcissist #borderline #Histrionic
#valentinesday #hoover #lovebomb #coparent #abusehasnogender #npd #bpd #hpd #narcissist #borderline #histrionic
Starts the week with some #RegulatorWatts.
#Bandcamp #Hoover #DischordRecords #WashingtonDC #SlowdimeRecords
#regulatorwatts #bandcamp #hoover #dischordrecords #washingtondc #slowdimerecords
Today in Labor History February 2, 1931: U.S. citizens of Mexican heritage were “repatriated” to Mexico. During the decade’s first four years, the federal government deported anywhere from several hundred thousand to 1.8 million Mexicans. 40-60% of those deported were U.S. citizens and overwhelmingly children. President Hoover blamed Mexicans for the Great Depression and deported them in huge numbers to win support from his right-wing base.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #deportation #immigration #greatdepression #hoover #mexico #children
#workingclass #LaborHistory #deportation #immigration #GreatDepression #hoover #mexico #children