Hopton Castle first thing in the morning was so beautiful! I love exploring new places in the countryside. We stayed in a lovely Air B&B and so enjoyed our time exploring Shropshire.
#hoptoncastle #shropshire #countryside #england #castles #daysout
#hoptoncastle #Shropshire #countryside #england #castles #daysout
The ruins of Hopton Castle.
The remains of the castle keep and several earthworks can be seen. Possibly built in the 1260s, Laid siege to in the English Civil War and apparently inhabited until at least 1700. It was restored and re-opened to visitors in 2011
A Panorama of sort, from 4 photos.
#Photography #photo #panorama
#shropshire #castle #ruin #HoptonCastle #uk #england #history #EnglishCivilWar
#EnglishCivilWar #History #england #UK #hoptoncastle #ruin #castle #shropshire #panorama #Photo #Photography
The ruins of Hopton Castle.
The remains of the castle keep and several earthworks can be seen. Possibly built in the 1260s, Laid siege to in the English Civil War and apparently inhabited until at least 1700. It was restored and re-opened to visitors in 2011
A Panorama of sort, from 4 photos.
#Photography #photo #panorama
#shropshire #castle #ruin #HoptonCastle #uk #england #history #EnglishCivilWar
#EnglishCivilWar #History #england #UK #hoptoncastle #ruin #castle #shropshire #panorama #Photo #Photography