The Design of Horace Interview
For this perceptive podcast I spoke with the designer of Horace: Paul Helman. We talked about how the development of the game went and the challenges of fine-tuning the various elements of it.
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#indies #interview #horace #HoraceGame #indie #IndieGames #IndiePlatformer #platformers
#indies #interview #horace #horacegame #indie #indiegames #indieplatformer #platformers
我特别佩服像两位Pete 这种对完全没见过也谈不上多了解的东西也能够侃侃而谈的人🤪
"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant." — Horace — — — #Horace #quote #quotes #adversity #challenges #talents #skills #circumstances #prosper
#horace #quote #quotes #adversity #challenges #talents #skills #circumstances #prosper
Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.
-- Horace
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunrise #SacandagaLake #Adirondacks #NewYork
#quotes #horace #life #photography #panorama #sunrise #sacandagalake #adirondacks #newyork
Gaius Valerius Catullus (84-54 BCE) was a Roman poet whose poems are considered to be some of the finest examples of lyric poetry from ancient Rome, despite his youth and early death. #History #Catullus #Cicero #Horace
#horace #cicero #Catullus #History
Horace's Epistles are a series of letters, providing sage advice to various friends. #History #Horace #RomanLiterature
#romanliterature #horace #History
Horace's Epodes is a book of 17 poems, published around 30-29 BCE. #History #RomanLiterature #Horace #HistoryFacts
#historyfacts #horace #romanliterature #History
Horace's Epistles are a series of letters, providing sage advice to various friends. #Horace #RomanLiterature #History
#History #romanliterature #horace
Horace 's Epistles are a series of letters, providing sage advice to various friends. #RomanLiterature #Horace #History
#History #horace #romanliterature
#Horace se lanzará de la mano de 505 Games en PlayStation 4 y Xbox One éste 28 de febrero.
»A picture is a poem without words.« ~ #Horace
#horace #quotes #photography #fotogedanken
"Your own safety is at stake when your neighbor's house is in flames." — Horace — — — #Horace #quote #quotes #neighbor #safety #consequence #proximity #danger
#horace #quote #quotes #neighbor #safety #consequence #proximity #danger
"Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa"
Red-haired witch! I pity the youth
Who kisses you, before the truth
Is known to him, like one who sails
The sea unmindful of the gales
And treacherous winds. Myself, I’ve wrung
Wet clothes, on temple walls have hung
Them out to dry a time or two:
Gifts for Poseidon, not for you.
(A retelling of Horace Ode 1.5)
#poetry #shortpoems #ancient #rome #lyric #horace #poet #latin #love #poetrycommunity
#poetry #shortpoems #ancient #rome #lyric #horace #poet #latin #love #poetrycommunity
Gaius Valerius Catullus (84-54 BCE) was a Roman poet whose poems are considered to be some of the finest examples of lyric poetry from ancient Rome, despite his youth and early death. Catullus wrote in the neoteric style during the high point of Roman literature and culture, and his poems were not only read and appreciated during his lifetime but influenced such respected Augustan-era poets as ... #Catullus #Cicero #Horace #History
#History #horace #cicero #Catullus