I’m extremely pleased the the U.K. has rejoined the #HorizonEU project but it’s so disingenuous of Sunak selling it as suddenly ‘the right time for U.K. taxpayers’ to be part of the project as opposed to the real reasons why we haven’t used our associate membership.
I wonder when they might notice that being part of the biggest market that’s on our actual doorstep might be advantageous too….
// D7 Newsletter //
The latest edition of the D7 Newsletter with new calls for proposals of national, European and international #research #funding organisations is now available! #uniköln #bmbf #dfg #transfer #HorizonEU
➡️ https://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/d7_newsletter_en
#research #funding #unikoln #bmbf #dfg #transfer #horizoneu
Good to hear astronomer Martin Rees on BBC #PM explaining that UK membership of #HorizonEU strengthens Britain's research collaboration with the rest of the world.
#pm #horizoneu #brexit #science #research
RT EuroSDR@twitter.com
Workshop | Use of EU funding by EuroSDR members | 31 May, online | #horizonEU #funding #NCMAs @IGNFrance |
Was geisteswissenschaftliche langzeitvorhaben angeht, gibt es tatsächlich ein problem, und der SNF hat in diesem bereich keine erkennbare strategie. Aber es erscheint mir höchst unwahrscheinlich, dass dieses problem durch die auflösung des SNF gelöst würde. Die wahren ursachen sind in der politik zu suchen, die quer durch alle parteien grossmehrheitlich wissenschaftsfeindlich ist. Der ausschluss von #HorizonEU interessiert den Nationalrat letztlich ebenso wenig wie kritische editionen.
RT @COSTprogramme
📣 Calling all researchers and innovators. All career stages and fields of research welcome! Join our online COST Info Day on 24 May to learn how to join a COST Action or submit a COST Action proposal.
Agenda & registration ⬇️
#COSTactions #EUResearchArea #horizoneu
📢Together with the National Contact Point ERC we organise a workshop on the #ERC Starting & Consolidator Grants in #HorizonEU! Prof. Manolis Pasparakis from the Excellence Cluster @CECAD as well as Prof. Matthias Heinz @WiSo will talk about their experiences as grantee and reviewer.
RT @HeritageR_Hub@twitter.activitypub.actor
#ARCHE_eu meeting kicked off today in 🇫🇷, tackling project updates & next steps for the #HeritageResearchAlliance
With🪙from @EU_Commission through #HorizonEU, it aims at a pan European framework for a holistic approach to #HeritageResearch & innovation
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HeritageR_Hub/status/1633958688661680130
#arche_eu #heritageresearchalliance #horizoneu #heritageresearch
#BBC R5 wake up to money show includes interview about UK involvement with Horizon Europe. Interviewer still asks the brexit question: but if we join we have to know its a good ROI, to get something out well be paying in. This level of stupid about something as important as research partnerships involving billions of euros is terrible, hundreds of projects are currently in jeapordy.
#EU #HorizonEU #brexit #uk
#bbc #eu #horizoneu #brexit #uk
💡 EC_REA@social.network.europa.eu has recently published a new set of tips on how to write a high-quality proposal for #HorizonEU and avoid common mistakes. #EU #research
➡️ https://rea.ec.europa.eu/news/common-mistakes-avoid-when-applying-horizon-europe-funding-2023-02-09_en
🚀SIRENE Expert Hub is launched!
The first SIRENE co-creation session has welcomed 25 experts from #academia #innovation management, #health sector, #ICT for independent living, #urbantransformation #policymaking
🏠 The outcomes of the first co-creation session of the Expert Hub will focus on deeper understanding of the current problems in housing, independent living, social, financial and political factors of influence.
🔜 Main findings of the first session coming soon!
#academia #innovation #health #ict #urbantransformation #policymaking #horizoneu
Heads up! Intersting workshop for female researchers @bayfor
📌#SaveTheDate for the next online event "ABC of the application" of FiF (women in EU research)
📅On April 25, 🕑9:00- 12:30.
This addresses all female researchers who are considering or planning to submit an application in #HorizonEU.
RT @FSP_Patrima@twitter.activitypub.actor
📢15 mars webminaire « Cloud for all – the European Collaborative #cloud for #culturalheritage » #HorizonEU avec @GabrielMariya @livio_de_luca@twitter.activitypub.actor @AJoffres@twitter.activitypub.actor ... programme et inscription : https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/13RqOjrNgOrkH49gjMVavN/overview
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FSP_Patrima/status/1626905499122769920
#cloud #culturalheritage #horizoneu
👋Meet the people behind SIRENE project!
We are SHINE 2Europe, AFEdemy, European Connected Health Alliance, F6S, FABER - Fabbrica Europa (ISRAA) and Tecnalia!
🔗Joining forces to connect experts and ecosystems in 27 EU countries, co-create a workable social innovation framework for promoting large-scale #investment in #building , #retrofitting and #adaptation of the #housingmarket.
Stay tuned!
#investment #building #retrofitting #adaptation #housingmarket #sireneproject #horizoneu #smartaging #ict #housing
UK ready to snub key EU science research scheme if Brexit row not resolved https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/12/eu-horizon-europe-research-michelle-donelan-uk-snub-brexit?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
#horizoneu #brexit #academicresearch
// KoWi online event: EU funding for collaborative research – the basics //
Would you like to learn more about the successful participation in #HorizonEU in a collaborative project? Then register for this event! 🇪🇺
🗓️31.01.2023 | 10:00 to 11:30 am
📢 #Post-doc #job alert! Are you interested in structural ethnic #discrimination across different life domains applying #experimental designs? Join Flavia Fossati and me at the University of Lausanne in the EQUALSTRENGTH project funded by #HorizonEU. Apply now - deadline 12.02. 2023 Check: https://www.equalstrength.eu/positions/unil/unil.html
@sociologists_list @sociology #AcademicChatter #AcademicJob
#post #job #discrimination #experimental #horizoneu #academicchatter #academicjob
📢🗓️ Planen Sie einen Antrag in #HorizonEU Cluster 6⃣oder den EU-Missionen? Die #NKS führen vom 17.01. - 23.02. eine Webinarreihe zur Antragstellung in diesen Bereichen durch, u. a. zu den Evaluierungskriterien und zur Budgetplanung!
Alle Infos unter: https://nks-bio-umw.de/aktuelles/news/fit-fuer-ihren-antrag-antragsvorbereitung-im-cluster-6-und-den-missionen
RT @scnatCH@twitter.com
Faute d'association à #HorizonEU, la Suisse est exclue de la planification européenne des infrastructures de recherche @ESFRI_eu@twitter.com.➡️ https://scnat.ch/fr/id/RSCqR
@SBFI_CH@twitter.com @ETH_Rat@twitter.com @CH_universities@twitter.com @snf_ch@twitter.com
Big news of the week (other than me putting my out of office on - oh yeah!) was this amazing funding call from the EU's #HorizonEU research & innovation programme Horizon Europe, Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. 🇬🇧 eligible to apply for all calls & open to any legal entity not just research organisations. You can find out more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykLFUsqJjDQ
& check out the calls here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-search;callCode=HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-01;freeTextSearchKeyword=;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=1;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;programmePeriod=null;programCcm2Id=null;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;destinationGroup=null;missionGroup=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=callTopicSearchTableState #funding #europe #research #heritage #digital
#horizoneu #funding #europe #research #heritage #digital