Ulrich von Hutten (ein Reformator*in) war vermutlich inter* geschlechtlich: >>Ein Team von Zürcher Anthropologen kommt zu einem aufregenden Fund: Das Skelett des Humanisten ist ein weibliches. 🚺Die Forschenden gehen davon aus, dass von Hutten an einer hormonellen Störung litt, die sein äusseres Geschlechtsteil vermännlichte.<< https://www.facebook.com/srfkultur/posts/pfbid023C1MweLE5YSsmUDEJX1wCWxArwNyU5617WzzU7GibRAAUFNqn5JFh7FvHGbj3PUwl (leider viele dumme Kommentare bei Facebook)
#LGBT #queer #inter #hormones #anthropology #religion #reformation
#Reformation #religion #anthropology #hormones #inter #queer #lgbt
https://herbalremedies.one/natural-hormone-balancer-insomina-hgh-weight-loss #1 Natural Hormonal Balancer, Insomnia Reliever, Holistic hGH Growth Hormone Booster ,Magnesium (anti-aging) and weight loss while you sleep supplement. Causes real fat loss by turning on your fat burning hormones and turning off your fat storage switch while getting a healing and rejuvenating night's rest. You sleep better (where you burn the most fat for the longest time) and use your body fat as energy. #hgh #weightloss #resurge #hormones #insomnia #magnesium
#hgh #weightloss #resurge #hormones #Insomnia #magnesium
https://homeopathicremedies.review/homeopathic-remedies-for-weight-loss-fast/ Stop counting calories and get your hormones to do the heavy lifting for you. A new discovery shows that weight loss is not just about counting calories. It's about balancing and boosting hormones. Leptin and Thyroid Hormones Boosted and Stress Hormones quieted. Homeopathy does this better than anything else. #hormones #homeopathy #homeopathic #weightloss #thyroid
#hormones #Homeopathy #homeopathic #weightloss #thyroid
https://elitefitness.one/hormonal-weight-loss/ Natural Weight Loss (the best way to lose weight and keep it off) is based on your hormone levels more than counting calories. People with balanced hormones, usually during young adulthood, are able to eat everything in sight and not gain an ounce of weight. This was me as a young Marine! Hormones eventually get unbalanced because of the chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides (hormone mimickers,) GMO foods and environmental toxins. Your brown fat level becomes really low (like the thyroid for your healthy fat balance.) When you get them back in balance the weight and excess bodyfat comes off easily and naturally. Once there all you do is maintain it and eat as organic as possible and you will be at your ideal weight for the long-term. #weightloss #fatloss #brownfat #hormones #thyroid
#weightloss #fatloss #brownfat #hormones #thyroid
https://herbalremedies.one/how-to-increase-brown-fat/ How to Increase Brown Fat Naturally. What is Brown Fat vs White Fat? One causes you to keep weight on and the other causes you to lose weight quickly. Losing body fat is not about counting calories, but about elevating your natural fat burning hormones and stopping white fat storage that prevents permanent fat loss. Get this right and it is a whole lot easier to lose excess body fat naturally and keep it off for good. Discover the natural holistic way to active your brown fat levels and lose weight safely and quickly. Great for anyone who needs to lose a lot of weight safely, without stretch marks afterward or excess loose skin. #weightloss #fatloss #holistic #brownfat #hormones
#weightloss #fatloss #holistic #brownfat #hormones
I'm 35, #trans, on T w/38DDD bust. I did 1yr low dose (20.25mg daily, 40.50mg after ~6mo.), then switched to injections every 2 weeks, now at 150mg subQ.
My breast tissue was mostly dense, but at 1yr on T was mostly fatty tissue. Now, I have a band of dense tissue over the top that creates a "shelf"-like mass.
Anyone else have this change, OR swelling, unevenness, or pain?
#trans #transmasc #ftm #hormones
#Dopamine, #Serotonin, #Endorphins, #Oxytocin: Your happy #Hormones, explained : Nat Geo
#Graphene ‘#Tattoo’ treats #Cardiac #Arrhythmia with light : Misc
#Mathematicians make even better never-repeating #Tile #Discovery($) : New Scientist
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #discovery #tile #mathematicians #arrhythmia #cardiac #tattoo #graphene #hormones #oxytocin #endorphins #serotonin #dopamine
Hormones, 1st 24 hours complete. My menopausal and trans siblings who are using a patch: did you have odd pain near the patch site on the first day? Mine is on my lower right belly and my right hip and back had some weird crampy type twinges yesterday. Better today. Maybe just some "period" type pain that they said could be a side effect?
#Menopause #Hormones #HRT
“Bufadienolides, the main defensive compounds of #toads, are toxic to many #predators and other natural enemies, and their synthesis can be upregulated by #stressors..."
Üveges, Kalina, et al
#toads #predators #stressors #hormones #amphibians #science
https://elitefitness.one/hormonal-weight-loss/ Losing weight is not about counting calories, but about elevating your natural fat burning hormones and stopping the fat storage/stress hormones that prevent fat loss. Get this right and it is a whole lot easier to lose excess body fat naturally and keep it off for good. Discover the natural holistic way to lose weight safely and quickly. Great for anyone who needs to lose a lot of weight safely, without stretch marks afterward or excess loose skin. #weightloss #fatloss #holistic #health #hormones
#weightloss #fatloss #holistic #health #hormones
"They call this feeling the testosterone high, because when a man is successful in his endeavors, his body floods with this potent hormone. They warn against the effects of testosterone. Testosterone makes men too aggressive, they say, and aggressive men grasp for success and generate ever more testosterone the more successful they become. It is a nasty cycle."
_Neverness_ by David Zindell
Ch 6 "The Image of Man"
#bookstodon #SciFi #quote #psychology #hormones
@Loukas @aral
#hormones #psychology #Quote #SciFi #bookstodon
https://holistichealth.one/best-natural-weight-fat-loss-supplement Being fit with the golden ratio of waist to shoulder ratio is the ideal health and attractiveness formula. It's your hormones and brown fat levels that determine whether you gain weight lor lose stored body fat with or without diet or exercise. #weightloss #fatloss #diet #brownfat #hormones
#weightloss #fatloss #diet #brownfat #hormones
In love? Here’s what’s happening in your brain
#love #neuroscience #hormones #neurotransmitters #anxiety #sex
#sex #anxiety #neurotransmitters #hormones #neuroscience #love
https://elitefitness.one/hormonal-weight-loss/ Losing weight is not about counting calories, but about elevating your natural fat burning hormones and stopping the fat storage/stress hormones that prevent fat loss. Get this right and it is a whole lot easier to lose excess body fat naturally and keep it off for good. Discover the natural holistic way to lose weight safely and quickly. Great for anyone who needs to lose a lot of weight safely, without stretch marks afterward or excess loose skin. #weightloss #fatloss #holistic #health #hormones
#weightloss #fatloss #holistic #health #hormones
Caster Semenya has won her appeal against the ridiculous hormone rules that came into effect in 2019.
#GoodNews #Sport #Women #Hormones #Unfairness #legal #Appeal
#goodnews #sport #women #hormones #Unfairness #legal #Appeal
https://holistichealth.one/hormonal-weight-gain/ Getting rid of your unwanted bodyfat is not about counting calories, it’s about stopping insulin and brown fat hormone levels and elevating your weight loss hormone levels! Are your hormones causing weight gain that you just can't lose? Counting calories just doesn't work! Just look at those that can eat carbs all day and stay thin (maybe you did too when you were younger, like I did.) Your hormone levels change and that is the main difference, not just physical activity but hormonal balance. Certain hormones can store body fat and other ones can turn off that fat storage switch and you not only lose body fat but you rejuvenate your whole body and you will look and sleep better than ever before too! #hormones #hormone #weightgain #weightloss #sleep
#hormones #hormone #weightgain #weightloss #sleep
Sweet Potato, Effects & Precautions -
Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidants, and Health Benefits of Sweet Potato Leaves - PMC -
“Proven Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes” - Dr. Paul Haider -
(PDF) Oxalate-rich foods -
Sweet potato for type 2 diabetes mellitus - PMC -
#organicsweetpotato #acutepancreatitis #diabetes #hormones #drpaulhaider
#organicsweetpotato #acutepancreatitis #diabetes #hormones #drpaulhaider
Template letters to write to your Integrated Care Board about inequalities in Menopause services and treatments.
#Menopause #Perimenopause #Hormones #HRT #PostcodeLottery #Prescribing
#prescribing #postcodelottery #hrt #hormones #perimenopause #menopause