After a relatively peaceful summer (save for an 'incident') there's an unsettling amount of #hornet action on my door this evening, to the point I'm wondering whether they can squeeze round the top of the vasistas. #vespacrabro
Bzzzzzt #dodge #hornet #santaclara #santaclaraconventioncenter #siliconvalleyautoshow #funko #funkopop #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobay #sfba #sfbayarea #esseff #thecity #bayarea
#dodge #hornet #santaclara #santaclaraconventioncenter #siliconvalleyautoshow #Funko #FunkoPop #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobay #sfba #sfbayarea #esseff #thecity #bayarea
Tired hornet(?) resting on the garage floor, letting me photograph it.
#Insect #InsectIdentification #Hornet #Lithuania #WhatsThisBug
#insect #insectidentification #hornet #lithuania #whatsthisbug
#Hornissen am Einflugloch - #hornisse #hornet #insect #insekten
#hornissen #hornisse #hornet #insect #insekten
Interessant ist hier nicht nur die #Hornisse mit der erbeuteten Honigbiene sondern auch, dass auf dem letzten Bild eine Nistfliege (#Milichiidae), oder auch Futterdiebsfliege genannt, ihr Glück versucht.
#Vespa crabro #natur #artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #hornet #insects
#Hornisse #milichiidae #vespa #natur #Artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #hornet #insects
Gizmodo: An Invasive Hornet That Murders Honeybees Has Arrived in the United States #usdepartmentofagriculture #apisceranajaponica #asiangianthornet #europeanhornet #environment #tylerharper #asianhornet #vespasoror #vespidae #honeybee #hornet #bee
#usdepartmentofagriculture #apisceranajaponica #asiangianthornet #europeanhornet #environment #tylerharper #asianhornet #vespasoror #vespidae #honeybee #hornet #bee
This is how Asian #HoneyBees kill #MurderHornets. Stings are useless since the #hornet's exoskeleton is too tough. Unfortunately, the European honey bee (the only type the US has) doesn't have this defensive behavior. #Bees
It's going to be a massacre if the murder hornets spread throughout the United States 😱
Bees Kill A Giant Hornet With Heat | Buddha, Bees and The Giant Hornet Queen | BBC Earth
#bees #hornet #murderhornets #honeybees
I am currently storyboarding two feature films so I can't watch as much film as I usually do. Mostly I just listen to them with commentary tracks while I draw.
But here's this week's #LetterboxdFriday and #lastfourwatched!
#PeeWeesBigHoliday #PeeWee #PaulReubens
#SavageStreets #LindaBlair
#DayoftheDead #Romero
#Hornet #Bumblebees #Letterboxd #Cinemastedon #FilmMastodon
#LetterboxdFriday #lastfourwatched #peeweesbigholiday #peewee #paulreubens #savagestreets #lindablair #dayofthedead #romero #hornet #bumblebees #Letterboxd #cinemastedon #FilmMastodon
EEUU anuncia nuevas armas para Ucrania, entre ellas drones Black Hornet
El Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos anunció el martes una ayuda adicional de 400 millones de dólares para la seguridad de Ucrania, que incluye misiles de defensa aérea, vehículos blindados y pequeños drones, i
#Ucrania #nuevas #anuncia #armas #black #drones #eeuu #ellas #entre #hornet #para #totemer #Ucrania
#ucrania #nuevas #anuncia #armas #black #drones #eeuu #ellas #entre #hornet #para #totemer
What to do with a hornet at night
I would like to discuss a question with you.
How do I get a #hornet out of the room on a warm summer night?
Maybe - there is someone outside in the #fediverse for #fedihelp.
Tags: #Nature #Conservation #Insects #Respect
Details: I live very close…
#hornet #fediverse #fedihelp #nature #conservation #insects #Respect
It took Hornet some time to get used to throwing her needle around.
#hornet #hollowknight #female #bug #naked #bondage #restrained #tiedup #nsfw #flatchested #2023
#hornet #hollowknight #female #bug #naked #bondage #restrained #tiedup #nsfw #flatchested
Premier déploiement OTAN pour les F/A-18C Hornet finlandais. à lire sur : — #balticairpolicing #déploiement #fa18c #finlande #guerrerussieukraine #hornet #ilmavoimaat #lituanie #natoalliedaircommand #otan #reassurance
#balticairpolicing #deploiement #fa18c #finlande #guerrerussieukraine #hornet #ilmavoimaat #Lituanie #natoalliedaircommand #otan #reassurance
Я считаю, что достиг успеха в столице
#hornet #gayhornet #хорнет #хроникихорнета
The Instant #Flares Are Released From An F/A-18 #Hornet Seen In Incredible Photo
The Knight met Hornet at the City of Tears and realized she was very wet, so of course they had to help her out.
#hornet #hollow_knight #vessel #nsfw #sex #size_difference #male #female #male/female #2021
#hornet #hollow_knight #vessel #nsfw #sex #size_difference #male #female