#horrormovieadvent #day24 The prompt is #christmas
My pick is Gremlins! The snow, Corey Feldman as a Christmas tree and the intense connection to Gizmo's emotional state make it a perfect way to finish up the advent calendar.
#horrormovieadvent #day24 #christmas #horrormovies #horrorfam #horrorcomedy #horror #advent
#horrormovieadvent #day23 The prompt is #zombies
My pick is Sean of the Dead, a surprisingly relatable movie about zombies in modern life. It's well executed, funny and holds up to repeated watches.
#horrormovieadvent #day23 #zombies #horrormovies #horrorfam #horrorcomedy #horror #advent
#horrormovieadvent #day22 The prompt is #FolkHorror
I think "Wicker Man" is the Platonic ideal of "Folk Horror". It's hard to even think of another movie like it that has the same reach. Maybe "Midsommar" and "VVitch"?
#horrormovieadvent #day22 #folkhorror
#horrormovieadvent #day22 The prompt is #FolkHorror
My pick for this one is The Wicker Man (1973) Mystery, intrigue, a swinging 70's soundtrack, a cult, creepy masks - what more could I ask for?
#horrormovieadvent #day22 #folkhorror #horrormovies #horrorfam #folk #horror #advent #folklore
#horrormovieadvent #day21 The prompt is #LastGirl
There are SO many great characters that embody the Last Girl troupe, it was a hard call but I am going with the original Scream and 90's badass Sidney Prescott. This movie came out at the perfect time to capture my teenaged horror movie nerd's heart.
#horrormovieadvent #day21 #lastgirl #horrormovies #horrorfam #scream #horror #advent
@Goretta_Synn Donnie Darko (2001) A lonely boy is plagued by visions and a 6’ tall rabbit named Frank in this critically acclaimed indie classic.
#HorrorMOVIEAdvent #MagicalRealism
#magicalrealism #horrormovieadvent
@Goretta_Synn House (1977) is a great one. I'd probably put in the "surreal" pile like Eraserhead. And I love that it was written by a child.
#HorrorMovieAdvent #horror #day20 #magicalrealism #HorrorMovies
I was thinking about Wishmaster last night, trying to figure out a way to make a wish that won't end badly. I think I settled on wishing the Djinn would be my best friend.
Anyway, Wishmaster is set in our world but unleashes a Djinn who is always asking people to "make your wishes" so he can turn them into something awful and murder you and your friends.
Like, Tony Todd's "I want to escape" from his life and he's put inside a water tank in a straitjacket like he's Houdini. Come on, Djinn. Really? That's a stretch, like a huge stretch.
I love the ending of the first one, as well. The protagonist makes the smartest possible wish.
#horrormovieadvent #horror #Day20 #magicalrealism #horrormovies
#horrormovieadvent #day20 The prompt is #MagicalRealism
My pick for a horror film that utilizes magical realism is the experimental horror comedy House (1977). House presents magic and absurdism in a matter of fact way that only a plot line created by the imagination of a 12 year old girl can accomplish. It is delightful, weird, goofy, off-putting and simply the best.
#horrormovieadvent #day20 #magicalrealism #horrormovies #horrorfam #horrorcomedy #horror #advent
@Goretta_Synn Incredibly fun film! Wouldn't even need the prize money, I'd just want to spend the night with Vincent Price in a Frank Lloyd Wright house!
#HouseOnHauntedHill #HorrorMovieAdvent #HorrorArt
#houseonhauntedhill #horrormovieadvent #horrorart
#HorrorMovieAdvent #Day19 -- Vintage Horror
Heading back a century for today's vintage prompt: Gotta go with Benjamin Christensen's classic ostensible documentary about the history of Witchcraft Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922) Here's some original demon art inspired by the horror classic!
#Haxan #HaxanWitchcraftThroughTheAges #BenjaminChristensen #VintageHorror #ClassicHorror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #Witchcraft #WitchcraftMovies #SilentFilm #Art #HorrorFam #MutantFam
#horrormovieadvent #day19 #haxan #haxanwitchcraftthroughtheages #benjaminchristensen #vintagehorror #classichorror #horrormovies #horrorart #witchcraft #witchcraftmovies #silentfilm #art #HorrorFam #MutantFam
@Goretta_Synn unfortunately, the shaky cam nature of most found footage triggers my motions sickness, although Banshee Chapter and Behind the Mask both have elements of found footage in them.
If I had to pick one that I was able to watch without nausea, it would be [Diary of the Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIVCVkMP0TI) which isn't great, but I liked it. The acid to the head zombie kill was fantastic.
#FoundFootage #horrormovieadvent #day18
#foundfootage #horrormovieadvent #Day18
#horrormovieadvent #day19 #vintage
This is tough. I think I'll follow @Goretta_Synn@horrorhub.clu with another Vincent Price / Castle movie: The Tingler
You know that "spine tingling" feeling you get? Well, a life-form living on everyone's spine grows when the person is afraid. The only way to keep it from growing too large is to scream.
What if you're a mad scientist who wants to study this "tingler"? What do you do?
Get a deaf, mute woman and scare her (by dosing her with LSD and switching the film to color) of course!
I mean, don't do that. She was scared to death.
Also, multiple in-theater gimmicks at select locations like buzzers in seats and staged audience participation and interaction with the film.
Really, any Vincent Price movie would do.
Pit and the Pendulum is another classic (without gimmicks) or any of Corman's Edgar Allen Poe films.
If you want to go extra vintage, back to silent film, then The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari tops my list.
I won't spoil it, but it has the first big screen usage of one of the most tired tropes in cinema. It is fascinating to see its birth.
I think The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is is "better" than Nosferatu if only because it wasn't based on misappropriating someone's intellectual property.
#horrormovieadvent #day19 #vintage
#horrormovieadvent #day19 The prompt is #vintage
This one was tough because there are SO many uniquely lovely vintage horror movies to chose from. But I am going to pick The House on Haunted Hill (1959) I've loved Vincent Price since I was a wee little nugget watching AMC with my Granny and this one is a fav.
#horrormovieadvent #day19 #vintage #horrormovies #horrorfam #horror #advent
#HorrorMovieAdvent #Day18 -- Sorry for falling behind on this, but jumping back on the bandwagon! Going with film that was the prototype for the early 2000s horror found footage zeitgeist -- The Blair Witch Project - for today's Found Footage prompt. Here's some original Heather Donahue fan art!
#TheBlairWitchProject #FoundFootage #FoundFootageHorror #IndieFipm #IndieHorror #Horror #HorrorArt #Rrawibg #BookArt #MovieArt
#horrormovieadvent #day18 #theblairwitchproject #FoundFootage #foundfootagehorror #indiefipm #indiehorror #horror #horrorart #rrawibg #bookart #movieart
#horrormovieadvent #day18 The prompt is #FoundFootage
My pick is Followed, a movie that explores paranormal phenomenon in the age of the internet. It is an unique take on found footage. It helps that the Skype lag made people look terrifying all on its own and I am a sucker for a vengeful ghost.
#horrormovieadvent #day18 #foundfootage #horrormovies #horrorfam #horror #advent
#horrormovieadvent #day17 The prompt is #SplatterPunk
My pick is Dead Alive aka Braindead, Peter Jackson's delightfully gory and over the top zombie movie. A wonderful example of splatter, especially when the lawnmower comes out!
#horrormovieadvent #day17 #splatterpunk #horrormovies #horrorfam #comedyhorror #advent
#horrormovieadvent #day14 #day15
@Goretta_Synn @SchlocklusterVideo
Since I posted the wrong #day14, I'll post two today.
#day14 is #paranormal
#day15 is #bodyhorror
Paranormal is a very broad category. I tend to associate "paranormal" with movies where you aren't even sure if something is real of imaginary.
With that criteria, I'd recommend Banshee Chapter. It is very loosely based on HP Lovecraft's "From Beyond". Very loosely.
It combines number stations with MK-Ultra and has a bit of found footage. It's very low budget, but works wonders with what it has.
Body horror. I thought about going with "From Beyond", but that's not enough body horror.
For me, the most obvious answer is John Carpenter's The Thing.
But, I'd like to give a movie that might not be as well-known instead, Splinter.
If you haven't seen it, I don't want to spoil it, but it does involve living bodies breaking their own bones and dead bodies rising and seeking out the living.
#horrormovieadvent #day14 #day15 #paranormal #bodyhorror
#horrormovieadvent #day16 The prompt is #TimeTravel
My pick is Army of Darkness, mainly because it is hilarious and Ash throwing his "modern day" quips at medieval folk is excellent plus the effects are groovy.
#horrormovieadvent #day16 #timetravel #horrormovies #horrorfam #comedyhorror #advent
#horrormovieadvent #day15 The prompt is #BodyHorror
My go to favorite when I think of body horror is Teeth. Hilarious, cringe inducing and vengeful. It makes me laugh every single time.
#horrormovieadvent #day15 #bodyhorror #horrormovies #horrorfam #comedyhorror #advent
#horrormovieadvent #day14 #travel
@Goretta_Synn @SchlocklusterVideo
I thought about road trip movies like Hitcher and The Endless.
I was reminded of a movie that stuck with me from my teen years: Dust Devil (1992). It was made by Richard Stanley, who also gave us Hardware.
Dust Devil Trailer
The movie is hauntingly, lovingly steeped in South African mysticism in a way that is normally reserved for movies based in Catholicism.
It inspired me so much that I wrote a short story about Yuki-onna called Snow Devil.
If you like horror that touches on other religions and mythologies, I'd also recommend Djinn (2013) from Tobe Hooper. It's set in the United Arab Emirates with Arabic audio.
#horrormovieadvent #day14 #travel