Hello everyone! 🖖
I'm a #socialscientist interested in #socialinequalities. I concentrated on #bigdata and #algorithmicbias in my master's thesis.
I'm working for a research company as a qualitative data analyst.
I used to work on #genderstudies, especially #queertheory. I have a publication about #dragperformances and used MaxQDA for the analysis.
Outside of my professional life, I'm passionate about #scifi, #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives, and #roleplayinggames.
#socialScientist #socialinequalities #bigdata #algorithmicbias #genderstudies #queertheory #dragperformances #scifi #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives #RolePlayingGames
Hi everyone! 🖖
I'm a #socialscientist interested in #socialinequalities. I concentrated on #bigdata and #algorithmicbias in my master's thesis.
I'm working for a research company as a qualitative data analyst.
I used to work on #genderstudies, especially #queertheory. I have a publication about #dragperformances and used MaxQDA for the analysis. https://doi.org/10.33708/ktc.1172297
Outside of my professional life, I'm passionate about #scifi, #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives, and #roleplayinggames.
#socialScientist #socialinequalities #bigdata #algorithmicbias #genderstudies #queertheory #dragperformances #scifi #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives #RolePlayingGames
Hi everyone! 🖖
I'm a #socialscientist interested in #socialinequalities. I concentrated on #bigdata and #algorithmicbias in my master's thesis.
I'm working for a research company as a qualitative data analyst.
I used to work on #genderstudies, especially #queertheory. I have a publication about #dragperformances and used MaxQDA for the analysis. [https://doi.org/10.33708/ktc.1172297]
Outside of my professional life, I'm passionate about #scifi, #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives, and #roleplayinggames.
#socialScientist #socialinequalities #bigdata #algorithmicbias #genderstudies #queertheory #dragperformances #scifi #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives #RolePlayingGames
Hello everyone! 🖖
I'm a #socialscientist focusing on #socialinequalities. I concentrated on #bigdata and #algorithmicbias in my master's thesis.
I'm working for a research company as a qualitative data analyst.
I used to work on #genderstudies, especially #queertheory. I have a publication about #dragperformances and used MaxQDA for the analysis. https://doi.org/10.33708/ktc.1172297
Outside of my professional life, I'm passionate about #sci-fi, #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives, and #roleplayinggames.
#socialscientist #socialinequalities #bigdata #algorithmicbias #genderstudies #queertheory #dragperformances #sci #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives #roleplayinggames