“If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

A version of the classic Jekyll and Hyde style shoot.
Shot with the wonderful Hedwig.Macbutterfly who is basically a professional Victorian/Edwardian/awesome person at this stage.

#boundlessphotography #portraitphotography #modelphotography #portrait #photography #horrorphotography #vintage #drjekyllandmrhyde #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

RobotWig :verified: · @robotwig
1361 followers · 581 posts · Server socel.net
Woodo · @Woodo
101 followers · 279 posts · Server photog.social

Been quiet, still trying to work out how to expand my following list so I've got more people in my feed to interact with.

Anyway here's one of my early efforts at composite shots from when I was going through a phase of creating horror-inflected images. Not sure my hoary old student dogs kitchen knife could actually take off someone's hand off, probably should have got a junior hacksaw out of the bottom of the toolbox. Oh well

#photography #horrorphotography

Last updated 2 years ago

Woodo · @Woodo
101 followers · 278 posts · Server photog.social

Been quiet, still trying to work out how to expand my following list so I've got more people in my feed to interact with.

Anyway here's one of my early efforts at composite shots from when I was going through a phase of creating horror-inflected images. Not sure my hoary old student dogs kitchen knife could actually take off someone's hand off, probably should have got a junior hacksaw out of the bottom of the toolbox. Oh well.

#photography #horrorphotography

Last updated 2 years ago

DontForgetChaos · @DontForgetChaos
12 followers · 11 posts · Server ohai.social
DontForgetChaos · @DontForgetChaos
3 followers · 3 posts · Server ohai.social
Gary Hurdman LRPS · @ghotography
6 followers · 8 posts · Server socel.net

It's time. You've been called. You have a duty. You have to go. You leave your village for the last time. Your friends and family offer anxious glances.

Nobody speaks.

Nobody wants it.

Nobody can stop it.

You know where to go as many have gone before you. You arrive, you sit, and you wait. You have nothing but time and you think.

You wonder if you will suffer. You wonder if you'll be brave enough.

And you wait.

Imagine that you're the conscript

#horrorphotography #horror #photoshop

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary Hurdman LRPS · @ghotography
6 followers · 8 posts · Server socel.net

I tell me boys that they were each given a best mate just by having a brother.

I tell them that they should look after each other.

I tell them that they're lucky.

They don't listen to me.

#horrorphotography #thrillerphotography #composite #photography #photoshop

Last updated 2 years ago