@C_Chell Here are some tag ideas that I think are relevant to equestria.social's users:
- #mlp
- #mylittlepony
- #mylittleponyg1
- #mylittleponyg2
- #mylittleponyg3
- #mylittleponyg4
- #mylittleponyg5
- #mlpfim
- #mlpg1
- #mlpg2
- #mlpg3
- #mlpg4
- #mlpg5
- #tellyourtale
- #makeyourmark
- #ponies
- #pony
- #brony
- #bronies
- #ponyart
- #ponyartist
- #ponyartists
- #mlpart
- #furry
- #furries
- #furryart
- #art
- #artist
- #commission
- #commissions
- #commissionsopen
- #comms
- #commsopen
- #fanfiction
- #fanfictions
- #fanfic
- #fanfics
- #fimfiction
- #fandom
- #fandoms
Edit - some more:
- #mlpmusic
- #ponymusic
- #horsemusic
Edit 2 - even more:
- #mlptyt
- #mlpmym
- #mlptellyourtale
- #mlpmakeyourmark
#mlptyt #mlpmym #mlptellyourtale #mlpMakeYourMark #mlp #mylittlepony #mylittleponyg1 #mylittleponyg2 #MyLittlePonyG3 #mylittleponyg4 #MyLittlePonyG5 #mlpfim #mlpg1 #mlpg2 #mlpg3 #MLPG4 #mlpg5 #tellyourtale #makeyourmark #ponies #pony #brony #bronies #ponyart #ponyartist #ponyartists #mlpart #furry #furries #furryart #art #artist #commission #commissions #commissionsopen #comms #commsopen #fanfiction #fanfictions #fanfic #fanfics #Fimfiction #fandom #fandoms #mlpmusic #PonyMusic #horsemusic
When @Skyshard asked me to do the cover art for her latest single, my heart leapt into my throat and I emphatically agreed. I may have squealed IRL.
Anyhow the song is fantastic and I really just dig everything Skyshard makes, it's wonderful backgound music for drawing.
Full project documentation here:
Check out the awesome song "Back in the Day" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byWQuYGR9L0
#music #synthwave #ponies #art #krita #techno #nostalgia #alttext #honored #horsemusic
#horsemusic #honored #alttext #nostalgia #techno #krita #art #ponies #synthwave #music