@Nonya_Bidniss @juddlegum I think participating in horse race journalism, in general, is malicious toward democracy.
“Horse race reporting is too much focus on who’s winning or losing and who’s up or down in the polls and too little focus on the candidates’ stands on issues and policy” Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.
#horseracereporting #horseracejournalism
It’s a shame that @washingtonpost’s
Danielle Paquette and Sabrina Rodriguez both believe themselves incapable of (or prohibited from) fact-checking the many claims made by those quoted in this piece.
Imagine if the people of Door County, Wisconsin (and all over the US) could turn to journalists to find out whether their “gut” beliefs were fact-based or just impressionistic responses to propaganda.
#BellwetherPolitics #FactChecking #HorseRaceJournalism
#horseracejournalism #factchecking #bellwetherpolitics
@froomkin It’s all made worse by looking at what follow the NYT’s DeSantis-love. #HorseRaceJournalism #IssuesWhatIssues #ItsTheJournalistsWhoAreSmall #JournalismFail
#journalismfail #itsthejournalistswhoaresmall #issueswhatissues #horseracejournalism
Já chápu, že pro získání kliknutí na sociálních sítích to funguje nejlépe, ale ten chronický #HorseRaceJournalism okolo prezidentských voleb mě opravdu ničí...
Mnohem víc mě zajímají názory a charakter kandidátů, než to, kdo je zrovna o půl procenta před ostatními.