Biolab replaces #horseradish roots for production of important #enzymes.
#horseradish_peroxidase #bioengineering #e_coli
#horseradish #enzymes #horseradish_peroxidase #bioengineering #e_coli
A Northshore-style four-way roast beef sandwich at Hap's in Portsmouth, #NH
#cheese, #horseradish sauce, #bbq sauce and #mayo
#foodie #northshore #roastBeef #yummy
#nh #cheese #horseradish #bbq #mayo #foodie #northshore #roastbeef #yummy
She really went for the horseradish. 😳 It’s technically nontoxic to cats but certainly unpleasant! I never expected her to go for it. I think she expected it to taste like a carrot (she likes her veggies). #Cats #Ketzeleh #Horseradish #CatsOfMastodon #BadIdea
#cats #ketzeleh #horseradish #catsofmastodon #badidea
Sprocket a little judgmental of the horseradish I got us. I’m lucky I found any at all! #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #Pesach #Horseradish #Sprocket
#cats #catsofmastodon #pesach #horseradish #sprocket
Picked up a bottle of red from The Pickle Guys.
#horseradish #passover #jewishenoughforhitler
One very good reason to shop at the Polish supermarket. Love this stuff!
#photography #polskisklep #horseradish #chrzan
Armoracia Rusticana.
Fröhlichen #FotoMontag allerseits! 📷
Happy #PhotoMonday everybody!
Satellitenaufnahme einer Strassenlandschaft? Nein: das Blatt von #Meerrettich oder Kren.
Satellite image of a street landscape? No: the leaf of #horseradish.
#Sony #RX100 M2
28-100mm f/1.8-4.9
28mm f/4.0 (8.0) 1/80s ISO160
#fotografie #schwarzweiss #grafik #natur #blätter #kunst #fotokunst #photography #blackandwhite #graphic #nature #leafs #mastoart #art #photoart #artmatters
#Fotomontag #Photomonday #meerrettich #horseradish #sony #rx100 #fotografie #schwarzweiss #grafik #natur #Blatter #kunst #fotokunst #photography #blackandwhite #graphic #nature #leafs #mastoart #art #photoart #artmatters
#tomatoes chopped, dressing of #horseradish #vinegar #sweetener #ketchup. #salad #recipe
#tomatoes #horseradish #vinegar #sweetener #ketchup #salad #recipe
#DryAged #CôteDuBoeuf #ReverseCooked with #Rösti #SourCream & #Horseradish
#Dinner #HelsKitchen #XMasEditon #WeihnachtsEdition #FoodPorn #SteakPorn
#dryaged #coteduboeuf #reversecooked #rosti #SourCream #horseradish #dinner #helskitchen #xmasediton #weihnachtsedition #foodporn #steakporn
A cashier at a grocery store I was visiting said without prompting #HappyHanukkah—probably because I was buying #pastrami, #whitefish salad, #sauerkraut , and #horseradish.
#happyhanukkah #pastrami #whitefish #sauerkraut #horseradish #jewish #Hanukkah
Ran out of #mustard when #cooking. A #Ukrainian #proverb came to the rescue. Що #хрін, що #гірчиця — невелика різниця (#horseradish or mustard - no great difference)
#mustard #cooking #Ukrainian #proverb #хрін #гірчиця #horseradish #languagelearning #UkrainianLanguage #УкраїнськаМова
@melindahaunton I'm afraid breakfast is too early for #horseradish #JacobinDay
We bought so many #cranberries that I'm making a second #MamaStamberg to freeze for after we return from Europe & do our holiday stockings for the New Year. I love the name for cranberries in French - #canneberges. Also, unrelated to French but VERY related to this cranberry dressing, I love #horseradish. 🥹
#Cranberries #mamastamberg #canneberges #horseradish
You may wonder if you can buy cheddar cheese with horseradish mixed in. You can, and it's delicious, but the horseradish dramatically reduces the versatility of the underlying cheddar.