Time for a Music Toot -
This album will always be among my favorites - I just feel it is timeless for me. I've listened to it throughout the course of my life and I never get tired of hearing it.
Share one of your "Timeless" albums - not a timeless album per se like the top ten lists etc, but one that is personally timeless for you.
#horslips #ireland #mastodaoine
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
🎵 Dearg Doom
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #horslips
I'm gutted.
Rest in Peace Johnny - thank you for your music and you iconic guitar riffs. #horslips #celticrock #JohnnyFean #RIP
The rest of my day will be filled with the music of Horslips. What a loss. Crushed.
#horslips #celticrock #johnnyfean #rip
Wait for the guitar solo - it'll be worth it. #JohnnyFean #horslips #IrishRock #CelticRock
#johnnyfean #horslips #irishrock #celticrock
More Irish Rock n Roll from Horslips - this is from their 09 concert at the O2 and this one is titled, "Trouble with a Capital T!" Another track that showcases how the band fused traditional celtic/irish music with rock n roll right here.
Johnny Fean on lead guitar and vocals on this track from their masterpiece, The Book of Invasions (A Celtic Symphony) LP.
#horslips #ireland #irish #irishmusic
For St Patrick’s Day ☘️, The Táin by Irish prog rock/folk band Horslips, a concept album based on the Irish legend the Táin Bó Cúailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley).
Here's Horslips playing Dearg Doom, featuring Uilleann pipes, on #TheOldGreyWhistleTest. https://youtu.be/y5G8AJf4Xzw
#onthisdayinmusic #StPatricksDay #thetain #horslips #theoldgreywhistletest
I may be sharing all sorts of #Irish music today. Here's one from a band with an odd name, but also a band that pioneered Celtic Rock in the 70s and 80s. This guitar riff from Johnny Fean is iconic in Ireland. I give you Horslips and the legendary Dearg Doom!
#irish #ireland #horslips #stpatricksday
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SoundsOfThe70sWithJohnnieWalker
🎵 Warm Sweet Breath of Love
#nowplaying #SoundsOfThe70sWithJohnnieWalker #horslips
If you are looking for something a little different for some winter/holiday music, give this a go.
#horslips #celticrock #irishrock
If you want some festive music while you're preparing on Christmas eve you could do a lot worse than #Horslips and their #DriveTheColdWinterAway album
#drivethecoldwinteraway #horslips
Any fans of #BruceSpringsteen #AlStewart #Caravan #PinkFloyd #Genesis #ThinLizzy #BeBopDeluxe #Horslips #Supertramp #RollingStones #PattiSmith #CaroleKing #BobDylan #AnyWinehouse #ImeldaMay #LedZepplin #DeepPurple #SteelyDan #Eagles #LindaRonstadt #BobMarley #Clash #ElvisCostello #DavidBowie #Jam #StyleCouncil #MarvinGaye #Travis #ELP #Coldplay #Fruupp #Camel #GrahamParker #TomWaits
Out there?
#brucespringsteen #alstewart #caravan #pinkfloyd #genesis #thinlizzy #bebopdeluxe #horslips #supertramp #rollingstones #pattismith #caroleking #bobdylan #anywinehouse #imeldamay #ledzepplin #deeppurple #steelydan #eagles #lindaronstadt #bobmarley #clash #elviscostello #davidbowie #jam #stylecouncil #marvingaye #travis #elp #coldplay #fruupp #camel #grahamparker #tomwaits
So farewell, then, #Horslips. What a long strange 'lypse it's been...
This is a great piece to mark Horslips' last gig.
The 1st music photos I ever took were of Horslips.
Thanks to a family connection, I've been lucky enough to see them play many times.
Beir Bua lads, you will always be Celtic Rock Gods. 🤟
#Horslips #CelticRock #IrishMusic #DeargDoom #TroubleWithACapitalT
#IrishTwitter #mastodaoine
#horslips #celticRock #irishmusic #deargdoom #troublewithacapitalt #musicphotography #irishtwitter #mastodaoine